Hey there.. assalamualaikum.
As usual, when I write on this space, my husband already flew off for work. Exam in few days, tapi past few weeks I keep on berjimba je. How la.
Just to recap what happen during the past two weeks that my husband was around. We went for unplanned road trip to Pahang with the kids. Initially I nak pergi bawa diorang ke Kuala Gandah je. Manage to meet few elephants tapi smol2 one je. Suppose ada aktiviti mandikan gajah etc but sebab air sungai naik so cancel jela. Sebab suam2 kuku je experience tu, we decided to naik sikit head to Kuantan terus. Actually after Kuala Gandah, we stayed in a hotel at Temerloh. Had ikan patin etc then ingat nak cari makan dekat Kuantan. Sampai je Teluk Cempedak terus rasa amazednya ada Starbucks, Mcd, KFC, everything dekat sana and tempat tu so cantik. We end up terus booking a night stayed in Kuantan.
My world. Captured with Ip13 |
Kuala Gandah Elephant Sanctuary |
We were lucky to meet this 5 month baby elephant
Teluk Cempedak view yang buat we decide to stay for the night |
Hello pinky beach |
We had lunch at Restoran Mabiq. Ramai orang but quite efficient lah eventhough kena beratur juga nak masuk pun. We arrive on 12.30pm maybe orang baru nak ramai. Food taste good. I had pais ikan, eventhough i don't know what it is, turn out dia ikan patin tempoyak juga. I had it already dekat Temerloh and I had enough kot. Hari2 makan tempoyak pitamm..
We were lucky to secure a room eventhough it weekends. Masa lunch i scroll booking.com and luckily found this resort. Memang cantik. We ride ATV [RM50 for 30mins], ada pool, private beach, complementary breakfast semua, I had no complaint. Definitely I will come back again. There's little pub and restaurant dekat resort ni. We jalan pantai at night, then ada fireworks show, dekat beach. Memang lucky lah sebab kitorang tak tau pun ada benda ni. Dengan lagu2 best feeling sangat la kan. Maybe the ambience buat rasa best kot.
I cuti the whole week sebab annual leave I banyak lagi nak clear. Hehe.. Then balik KL jelah after Kuantan. Esoknya pergi swab test dekat Prince Court coz my husband nak work dah. Sebab alang2 keluar, we shoot to Genting Highlands pulak. Memang trip Pahang sangat la kalini. Tak naik atas. Just jalan dekat GHPO je. Husband alhamdulillah negative, clear nk pergi work.
We had desert dekat Godiva, husband I memang tau perangai I suka desert. Kalau I hilang tu either hilang dalam kedai kek atau kedai kopi. 😅 Both kids inherit trait I yang suka desert tu. Habislah. Manage to grab few handbags kat atas tu. I rasa murah kali ni maybe sebab Black Friday?? atau I memang lucky haha.. Perempuan atas ni dapat coklat dia dah happy dah.
Owh before that! I ada trip with my family dekat Ipoh masa husband I off to work. Yelah nak tak nak we need to live je dalam covid ni kan. What we can do is try as much as we can to follow SOP. Jangan bersalam, jaga jarak, sanitise always, pakai mask. If dah kena what to do. But alhamdulillah, until now none of our family member get infected by covid. Future, we never know. Semua family members both sides dah vaccinated unless kids below 11 years old macam anak i memang tak lah. Hope Allah protects them always.
Both my parents, my nenek join this trip. Regardless la kena pakai wheelchair ke ape we all tolak je. My sisters, 4 out of 5 ada. In fact semua sibling I pun girls je takde boys haha.. If orang cakap I lemah lembut tu sebab belum pernah tengok I mengamuk jela kot. Ada satu story kelakar pasal nenek I but I keep it to myself jela hahaha.. I just nak create memories while they are still around. I pun tak tahu sampai bila I akan ada dekat sini. We never know.
Looking back at our picktures, deep down I'm a proud sister and I nak congratulate my parents for raising us so well. My little sister doing specialist in opthalmologist, a med officer soon to be specialist dah. Another one is an engineer building maybe the tallest building in Malaysia, PNB118 and the youngest is doing her ACCA. Perempuan sesat semua orang dah besar suddenly dia lahir. 😂 We talked and chatted like we were still a kid. Especially when the husband is not around. My sister's husband now overseas to oversee construction project dengan Japan company. So of coz la dia pun single macam I haha.. My father cakap, tengoklah diorang ni even dah besar tapi cakap macam masa diorang budak2 dulu. Yeah.. miss that moment sebenarnya. Buat lawak bodoh, but now we are paying for the trip. Just bagitahu where u want to go, what u want to eat, we'll settle everything. Macam mana my parents settle everything for us masa kitorang kecik2 dulu.
Hey Ipoh |
Drooling |
My all time fav Ah Cheng laksa |
The best roti jala by Chef Nizam |
Mee rebus Kuala Kangsar from cooked by my fren, Seri |
Some random pictures of what I ate past few weeks haha. Anak I pun dah tahu perangai mak dia jangan makan lagi. Lemme feed the phone first! Lol! Sometimes when I tak amek gambar they'll ask me why I didn't take picture? Boleh makan dah ke ni? Hahahhahah... Sorry kids!!
This time around takde adegan baling barang, gaduh2 maki2.. Am I healed? Hahah.. We never know. But I tahu even how bad the situation is, I am loving him forever. He's back now, tapi hati manusia ni berbolak balik, Allah yang pegang. I'll be devastated but I know I will move on easily if it will ever happen again. For now, I just want to enjoy the moment, had him cuddle me when he's around, buying things that I want, bring me to road trip, kiss me randomly at night when I sleep. Cry when I cried. Trying so hard to jaga my hati. Always tarik kepala I to sleep at his ketiak omg! Hug me tight, make sure I'm covered dengan selimut.
I don't know but I feel if I mengungkit lagi, macam I break his heart. I fikir banyak kali sebelum reply whatsapp or cakap. Sometimes I dah type, then I delete and type benda yang takkan trigger marah dia. Bila I dah type tu I lega coz I dah buat even tak send kat dia faham tak. Bila nak cakap pun I akan mengungkit dalam hati but then istighfar jap and cakap benda baik2 je la untuk dia dengar dengan telinga tu. At least ada improvement. Dulu I memang hembus je apa dalam hati I and the consequences memang real bad lah kan. Now let say if I teringat, I akan nangis je. I won't say anything. Esok dia fly, malam ni I akan masak untuk lunch dia. And I akan buat cookies favourite dia choc chip sea salt cookies. Actually favourite I, but tu macam signature cookies I la untuk dia haha.. Then final nights tu normally we will cuddle and check each other nangis ke tak. Lol. Lama dah tak rasa berat hati nak lepaskan. I don't know, hikmah after what happen ni, relationship kitorang makin berkualiti. Makin matang mungkin. Alhamdulillah.. Tapi hope dia tak lupa, even I sayang pun I can walk away anytime and forget everything if benda jadi lagi. Parents I tak ajar pula kalau kena pijak just stay.
Tapi like I said previously, I just want to enjoy the moment. I love my husband, love my family, my kids, my friends. I love them all. Insyaallah amin.