Anak nak masuk dua yaw.. boleh crossed salah satu wish list aku sebelum cecah 3series hehe.. Ni jelah antara simptom yang aku hadapi masa pregnancy kali ni.
1) Antara yang ketara banyak kahak. I hate spitting tengok orang spit merata-rata pun macam eiii gross nak mampus. Tapi tulah, benda yang tak suka memang selalu datang pon. Masa pregnant kali ni sedia la plastik whatsoever untuk buang lendir-lendir tak berkenaan tu. -sorry if it sounds disturbing- oh my!
2) Tak suka ayam. Prefer steak berbanding chicken chop. Obviously lah sebab dah cakap tak suka ayam kan. Tapi masuk 5 bulan dah boleh makan ayam la cuma kalau ada benda lain memang tak prefer.
3) Yup, ada morning sickness tapi cuma 3 bulan pertama. Tu pun mild je tak delah sampai dehydrated ke apa. Boleh kira dengan jari lah berapa kali je muntah masa pregnancy kali ni.
4) Lapar selalu. Makan macam monster lepas dah habis fasa morning sickness. Monthly check up baru 5 bulan dah naik 4kg! Kesannya aku kena minum air gula next check up. Choy!
5) Tiba-tiba suka nak pakai barang kemas. Sebelum ni memang aku simpan je gelang ke rantai tak pakai pun sebab rimas. Tapi masa pregnant ni aku suruh husband beli gelang emas ko.. Tak penah-penah sampai husband aku pun pelik. Layan jelah craving bini dia ni. Nak buat macam mana dah aku asyik menyanyi-nyanyi. Hehe..
6) Suka makan asam. Pelik eh sebab sebelum ni aku tengok mangga muda pun seram sebab dah terbayang masam macam mana. Aku tak suka asam sebab taknak otak kecut. Tah dari kecik aku rasa kalau makan asam nanti otak kecut. Ngeng.
7) Baby ni suka duduk belah kiri perut je tak tau lah sebab apa. Belah kanan rasa kosong. Pelik ke eh?
Selain dari yang kat atas ni, perubahan kat diri aku pulak tak delah apa sangat pun. dah 21 weeks pregnant pun masih takde baby bump yang ketara. Sekarang ni fasa confuse buncit ke pregnant. Hadoii... Cumanye kalau mood rajin aku datang habis satu rumah aku kemas lepastu sakit segala sendi punggung time nak berjalan. Seksa sungguh.
Dah scan baby dan insyaallah it's a Boy! Orang kata naluri ibu selalu betul tapi malangnya aku rasa aku takde naluri apa2 pun nak predict gender baby so better buat scan jelah kan. Tapi ada je yang scan lain keluar lain. Apa pun Alhamdulillah... Get to smell bau syurga again. Till then!
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Friday, September 12, 2014
Tips lulus peperiksaan memasuki perkhidmatan awam
Disclaimer : Entry would be a bit lengthy. This tips is based on my own experience. Four times manual exams and one time online exam, all passed. I wouldn't take any responsibilities for those who failed even after reading my tips. Kekeke.. :p
Sebab SPA no longer buat manual exams nowadays, aku cerita secara brief jelah pasal manual exams ni. Sebenarnya bagi aku manual exam lagi lah susah berbanding online exam sebab tak silap aku ada 5 paper. Dari pagi sampai ke petang baru siap. Keluar je hall memang rasa ting tong skek. Hahaha.. Ni senarai paper and brief explaination pasal paper2 ni :
- Pengetahuan Am
- Berkisar isu semasa, pengetahuan am yang biasa. Kadang-kadang ada jugak soalan pasal sistem komputer, pasal law terms sukan, etc.
- Contoh : Siapa pelumba basikal negara? Tahun berapa Sukan Komanwel diadakan? Kacang jer kan... Ada jugaklah yang susah sampai tak terfikir dek akal. Malas nak fikir.
- Daya Penyelesaian Masalah
- Ini soalan matematik. Bukan add math pun. Kira okey lah cuma kalau tak laju memang tak cukup masa. Masa memang sangat berharga time ni. Tau term perimeter, basic2 macam sudut 360 darjah total pun oklah. Ada algebra sikit2. Ada jugak soalan macam soalan PTS, soalan logik dsb. Kalau exam untuk akauntan ke, kastam ke.. kira susut nilai/depreciation tu normal lah. Note that manual exam TAK BOLEH GUNA KALKULATOR -_-
- Paper English/BM
- Ni senang. Soalan objektif jer. Bagi petikan, lepastu ada soalan ko paham ke tidakk petikan tu. Cam soalan darjah 6 bolehhh?? Tak delah. Ada je pusing sket2 kena pikir sket2 tapi rilex sket lah buat paper ni.
- Esei Bahasa Melayu
- Ada 5 tajuk. Pilih satu untuk digoreng.
- Esei Bahasa Inggeris
- Sama macam esei BM.
Ok, enough pasal manual exam. Sekarang SPA dah canggih ok. Pakai online jer. Online ok jugak cuma ada la sikit2 flaw yang maybe boleh diperbaiki. Contohnya SPA tak boleh verify betol ke calon exam sebenar yang ambik exam. Mana tau orang lain yang ambikkan so tak adil lah persaingan di situ. Lagi satu, bila buat online kat rumah Mr. Google memang available je kan. Tak tau term, google. So, macam no point jugaklah sebab bagi aku ujian sebenar bila buat online ni cuma kat daya penyelesaian masalah je. Math exam manual sebenarnya tak boleh guna kalkulator, tapi kalau dah kat rumah, bodoh la kan tak guna kalkulator. Tu jela kot flaw yang significant sekarang. Haha sori..
Mari aku terangkan secara ringkas tentang online exam. Basically online exam ada 3 paper sahaja which are:
- Pengetahuan Am
- Daya Penyelesaian Masalah
- Ujian Psikometrik
- Yang dua di atas aku dah terangkan sebelum ni. Apa itu ujian psikometrik? Ujian ni takde jawapan yang betul or salah. Cuma jawab dengan jujur baru boleh nilai kau orang yang jenis macam mana. Contohnya? Nasihat ibu bapa adalah elemen penting dalam keputusan yang saya buat. (Ya/Tidak/Tak Pasti). Ada kalanya saya mengumpat bila ada masa terluang (Ya/Tidak/Tidak Pasti). Jawab ler..
1) Baca paper, dengar berita.
- Walaupun tak de masa, dalam kereta boleh dengar radio Bernama 24 frekuensi 93.9 area Lembah Klang. Buat masa ni radio ni cuma available di KL dan Johor je tak silap aku. Aku suka radio ni sebab everyday update isu semasa, ada perbincangan politik, isu kepenggunaan, basically boleh tune telinga dengar benda2 yang ilmiah sikit dari benda merepek2 je kan. Sekurang-kurangnya isu semasa sentiasa update. Bukan esok exam, iv, hari ni baru dengar. No! No! Tapi nak lagi baik, baca lah paper. Update sket ok.
2) Soalan matematik
- Jawab laju2. Bagi aku, penentu lulus ke tak banyak bergantung kat Seksyen ni. Sebab tak semua orang boleh habis on time. So, bila dapat habis ontime, and yakin jawapan dah betul, peluang lulus tu tinggi.
- Jawab soalan yang ada jawapan jitu (precise?)dulu. Yang perlukan kemahiran logik yang agak tinggi tinggalkan dulu. Contohnya : gambarajah apa yang patut ada selepas gambarajah ini..? Ni jenis soalan PTS yang memang memerlukan calon tenung soalan tu lama untuk dapat jawapan. So bila yang dah jawab soalan yang memang boleh diyakini jawapan tu, barulah jawab soalan jenis logik pulak.
- Paham konsep. Ni sudut pun tak tahu memang susah la nak jawab. Sesaran, jarak tu apa? Diameter, Perimeter, sudut hexagon, kiraan masa, unit, banyak lah konsep asas kena tau sebab nak kira tentunya perlu paham konsep. Tapi aku yakin semua orang tahu benda ni kan.
3) Ujian psikometrik.
- Kalau soalan macam ni : Saya tidak pernah ponteng kerja (Ya/Tidak/Tidak Pasti). Kalau jawapan Ya, bermaksud awak memang rajin, tak pernah ponteng kerja. Kalau jawapan Tidak, maksudnya, awak ni tak setuju dengan pernyataan di atas, yang membawa maksud, awak memang pernah ponteng kerja.
- Elakkan jawab Tidak Pasti.
4) Guna unifi/streamyx, laptop
- Untuk elakkan masalah jawab exam online, guna laptop instead of tablet atau smartphone masa jawab exam. Maybe boleh, tapi lebih baik jangan ambil risiko. Sebab bukan tiap-tiap hari SPA buat pangiilan exam tau. Jadi, jangan la sia-siakan peluang sebab masalah remeh temeh macam ni.
5) Selalu refresh kalau jawapan tak lekat.
- Refresh lah kalau ada masa. Ada jugak masanya bila refresh tiba-tiba langsung tak ada satu pun jawapan yang lekat. Jangan risau, refresh je banyak2 kali. Insyaallah kalau betul dah jawab, semua soalan akan keluar lampu hijau.
Ok lah tu jela setakat ni. Yang penting, Usaha, Doa, Tawakal. Amin... Doakan aku next iv.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Korean treat
A good friend of mine just came back from Korea today. Knowing my love for those skincare and makeups, she gave me a little Korean treat which I love....
Emm.. should everything involve snails?? I'm not sure, but seeing those Koreans flawless glowing skin texture, they might found something that is good for the skin by using the snails extract. Same thing like the Japanese with their miracle pitera effects..
Thanks love. I love snails haha.
Emm.. should everything involve snails?? I'm not sure, but seeing those Koreans flawless glowing skin texture, they might found something that is good for the skin by using the snails extract. Same thing like the Japanese with their miracle pitera effects..
Thanks love. I love snails haha.
I'm pregnant....... again
Just finished The Gatecrasher by Madeline Wickham a.k.a Sophie Kinsella. Good storyline but I quite unsure that I like the ending. Anyway, this had been a very long weekend with National Day celebration so on and so forth. Thing is... suppose my red flag appear last week, which means by the time my husband came down to KL, red flag should be over. However.... until now still no signs for it to come. And that's what made me think that I might be pregnant.
So yesterday, my husband and I, both decided to run a test. Quickly bought the cheapest test kit and after a while, the results appear but the second line seems to be a little bit blurry. So, I guess there will be a big questionmark to both of us until tomorrow. Then without any confirmation regarding the 'pregnancy thingy' I send off my husband to the airport.
This morning, I sneak out from the office around 10am to buy that that digital clearblue pregnancy test from Guardian and the result is....
We are about 2-3 weeks pregnant. I did not realise that we are this fertile but who knows.... considering the 'bunting pelamin' with the first one. This is really..... unpredictable. A bit overwhelm but alhamdulillah to the most gracious Allah for this rezeki.
Just that hopefully I can carry this one until full term and really hope that she/he would be a healthy baby and all. Alhamdulillah.
So yesterday, my husband and I, both decided to run a test. Quickly bought the cheapest test kit and after a while, the results appear but the second line seems to be a little bit blurry. So, I guess there will be a big questionmark to both of us until tomorrow. Then without any confirmation regarding the 'pregnancy thingy' I send off my husband to the airport.
This morning, I sneak out from the office around 10am to buy that that digital clearblue pregnancy test from Guardian and the result is....
We are about 2-3 weeks pregnant. I did not realise that we are this fertile but who knows.... considering the 'bunting pelamin' with the first one. This is really..... unpredictable. A bit overwhelm but alhamdulillah to the most gracious Allah for this rezeki.
Just that hopefully I can carry this one until full term and really hope that she/he would be a healthy baby and all. Alhamdulillah.
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Malaysia : Di sini lahirnya sebuah cinta
Datuk Panglima pergi membajak
Ke tanah rata senja pulangnya
Kalau Saloma orang yang bijak
Negeri kita apa namanya
Ikanlah keli di dalam perahu
Oranglah buta tangkap buaya
Kalau Cik Ramlee ingin nak tahu
Negara kita nama Malaysia
Ramalah rama di pohon duri
Mati ditimpa si buah nangka
Kalau Saloma orang bistari
Bulan berapa Malaysia merdeka
Anak benggali ke kebun nyonya
Petiklah gambus anak Melaka
Wahai Cik Ramlee ini jawabnya
Tiga puluh satu Ogos Merdeka
Ke pasar lama membeli serai
Singgah bertanya Datuk Menteri
Kalau Saloma orang yang pandai
Di mana letak Ibu Negeri
Anaklah bilal dari Mentakab
Pergi ke Johor buat kenduri
Cik Ramlee soal mudah dijawab
Kuala Lumpur ibu negeri
One of my favourite patriotic song. ;) Selamat hari merdeka Malaysia sayang..
Walau seribu kesedihan menyelubungi pada tahun ini, yakinlah pasti ada cahaya di hujung jalan. Terima kasih kerana telah menjadi tempat berlindung terbaik buat aku dan juga keluargaku. Couldn't ask for more.
#MalaysiaIndependenceDay2014 #sayasayangMalaysia
Friday, August 29, 2014
Senarai Perdana Menteri Malaysia
1) Tunku Abdul Rahman (1963-1970)
- Bapa kemerdekaan Malaysia
2) Tun Abdul Razak (1970 - 1976)
- Bapa pembangunan
- Usaha menurunkan kemiskinan
- Rancangan pembangunan luar bandar
- Dasar ekonomi baru
- Diplomasi hubungan luar - hubungan erat dengan China, menamatkan konfrontasi Indonesia ke atas Malaysia.
3) Tun Hussein Onn (1976 - 1981)
- Bapa perpaduan
- Menjadikan perpaduan nasional agenda utama
- Mengekalkan momentum pembangunan ekonomi Dasar Ekonomi Baru
- Mencetuskan Skim Amanah Saham Nasional
4) Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad (1981 - 2003)
- Bapa pemodenan
- Negara berdaya maju, projek berprofil tinggi
- Dasar pandang ke timur, kempen bersih dan amanah
- Dasar pensyarikatan dan penswastaan
- Penubuhan Proton
- Menjadikan Malaysia dari sebuah negara pertanian kepada negara industri
- Pelan rancangan negara maju
- Koridor raya multimedia, KLIA, KLCC, F1, KL Tower dan lain-lain
- Malaysia boleh (belayar 1 dunia, daki gunung Everest)
5) Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (2003 - 2009)
- Bapa pembangunan modal insan
- Teruskan usaha bangunkan Malaysia
- Islam Hadhari
- Badan integriti nasional
- Berkerja bersama saya, bukan bekerja untuk saya
- Menubuhkan SPRM
- Dasar biotech nasional, dasar automotif nasional
- RMK 9 - fokus peningkatan nilai tambah dalam ICT, biotech & aeroangkasa
6) Dato Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak (2009 - current)
- Bapa Transformasi
- Rakyat didahulukan pencapaian diutamakan
- menambahbaik undang-undang
My Zalora experience
Just yesterday, I received a short and sweet email from Zalora asking my whereabouts since it had been quite some time that I did not purchase anything from them.
Apart from that...
this cute statement just melts my heart away. *quickly browse their website to find anything that I want need*
Unfortunately I don't quite remember anything that I need. Maybe a men's watch for my husband? No? He just bought new watch last week..! Oh god only if I had this email earlier.. Hehe..
Such a beauty.. Maybe I should add this in my wishlist and hopefully by his next birthday there would be some discounts ;)
So, I end up with SKII set which is this set as my Nutox serum is almost finish...
This set contains Facial Treatment Essence (75ml), SK II clear lotion (30ml) and Facial Treatment Mask for RM 171.75 after discounts. Quite a bargain right..?
Last time I do COD with them but this time I paid online and just wait patiently for my parcel to come. Congratulations to Zalora for the super fast service they provide. This parcel had landed safely on my doorstep this morning.
Quickly open it. Hehe..
They also have the Brand Ambassador Program (BAP) for those interested. Anyway, if anyone would want to shop at their web in the near future feel free to use this code IVA1x2yv5 upon check out to enjoy RM25 off your order. Please note that this is valid for first time customer only ok. Just ask me to email you the invitation. (
Apa nak buat bila hilang luggage bag?
First time aku hilang luggage bag masa pergi Kota Kinabalu awal tahun 2014. Masa tu Air Asia baru operate dari KLIA 2. Sebab ini family trip, so aku incharge lah semua benda dari tiket sampai la ke check in. Bapa mertua yang sponsor tambang.
So memang aku tak sangka lah semua orang yang aku handle ok je dapat beg memasing. Aku ni yang tunggu bag tak kunjung tiba. Satu jam lepas tu ada satu lagi flight dari KL ke KK. Officer AA di KK cakap maybe luggage aku ada dalam flight tu. Warghhhh!!!
Akak ipar aku siap ambik luggage dia kat tangan orang lagi. Imagine kalau dia lambat sikit tah2 dah kena kebas luggage tu. Salah aku la jugak terhegeh2 dari imigresen ke tempat luggage. Confius jap sebab airport KK tu macam tak strict sangat. Tempat luggage dekat giler dengan gate keluar masuk tu. Ada je aku tengok orang luar yang bukan passenger selambe je masuk situ. So ada dua possibilities, either beg aku kena curi or memang beg aku tak naik kapal langsung.
So aku tunggu sejam untuk next flight. Ikut hati rasa nak balik KL terus je. Dengan period nye, pad aku sume dalam tu. Makeup la, baju untuk 5 hari. Ish! Sampai dah habis luggage next flight pun masih tak de beg aku. Bukan aku sorang je. Ade la 5-6 orang hilang beg dlm flight same dengan aku. Tau jela Sabah ramai tourist. Ade pelancong Jepun dengan anak lagi hilang beg terkial-kial nak explain rupe beg tu kat officer. Kesian la diorang kan.
Dah confirm beg aku takde, report jelah kat kaunter hilang bagasi tu. Bagi details beg, warna, anggaran saiz, jenis ape.. Sbb tu la pentingnye buat tag dekat beg. Nak membezakan beg lah. Salah aku jugak beg aku tu aku cuma letak password lock je. Beg baru tak teringat langsung nak tanda apa-apa.. Huhu.. So kitorang terus je perjalanan tanpa beg aku. Stress! No point tunggu lagi.
Aku n husband terus pergi mall cari baju or apa-apa yang patut. Makeup memang tak la. Penat jer susun baju untuk pakai harian end up hilang. Kena berabis banyak jugak la nak tak nak. So petang tu baru dapat call cakap bag aku masih di KL. Akan sampai ikut penerbangan malam. Apa-apa jelah aku pun dah beli sume keperluan aku kat sana. Jadi berdouble pulak. Tak boleh la nak tunggu sampai malam sebab kitorang bukan nak stay di KK. Nak g pulau lagi.. Isnin petang baru datang KK semula. Selasa balik KL. So aku bagi tau jelah aku ambik Isnin petang. Macam xde point aku bawak luggage. Huh.
So dah berjimba berhari-hari kat Sabah dengan takde sunblock bagai, memang horror lah percutian aku kat sana. Beza gila dengan percutian berdua dengan husband kat Kundasang sebelum tu. Taubat aku tak nak pergi ramai-ramai dah. Isnin malam tu baru ambik luggage. Bolehla pakai baju untuk balik KL esoknya. Ni baru dalam negara. Buatnya hilang luggage kat luar negara guna pulak eiro, pounds sterling mampuslah nak shoping benda emergency macam ni. Kalau aku tau aku sumbat jer satu baju nak balik masuk cabin. Huh!
Tapi kira nasib baikla jumpa balik sekurang-kurangnya. Dalam hati aku nak cakap goodbye dah sebab xnk letak harapan tinggi nak jumpa balik. Ramai je kawan2 aku hilang luggage tak jumpa2 ok! Masa nak ambik luggage tu aku tengok tempat luggage claim macam xde luggage aku. Rasa nak nanges haha.. Baru hilang luggage, belum hilang anak. Eei.. xmaula.. Apapun main point is kena tag lah luggage tu so that senang nak cari ke apa...
The Sims 4
The Sims 4 nak keluar dah yey! Aku ingat lagi masa kekecik dulu ada game build city camtu tak ingat nama best jugak main. Kena pandai nak letak industrial area kat mana, residential area, shopping area, facilities macam bus stop, polis, bomba, zoo, playground etc. untuk bandar yang kita bina tu. Every month kena decide nak suruh resident bayar tax berapa peratus. Kalau tinggi sangat nanti diorang lari pergi bandar lain end up buat riot lah apa lah... Best game tu. Kalau aku rasa nak demolish bandar bagi resident aku sakit hati aku buat jer fire ke, flood ke.. hurricane ke.. padan muka kau! hahahaha...
Makin lama ada lagi game best. The Sims 2. Siap boleh mandikan baby dalam sinki, kena kerja kuat cari duit, kalau ada expansion pack ada jer yang boleh bela pets, bestlah.. nak tukar baju kena beli dulu. Tak silap dalam 200 sehelai.. Tak ada automatik change baju mcm The Sims 3. Yang tak bestnya nak pergi rumah lain or tempat lain kena loading dulu. Lama ok! Pasal the sims 2 ni lah aku sanggup g lowyat upgrade RAM aku. RAM for Random Access Memory ok. Tapi aku suka Sims 2 sebab boleh buka perniagaan jual barang-barang, hantar anak pergi college.. pergi uni kalau rajin CGPA bagus haha..
Then keluar The Sims 3. Adik aku siap beli original version lagi. Benda best pasal The Sims 3 boleh pergi merayap sesuka hati satu town tak payah loading2. Boleh visit neighbour, belajar upgrade skills, emotions lebih realistik. Contohnya macam kalau lelaki tu kaki perempuan, satu neighbourhood akan tahu so dia susah la nak cari jodoh melainkan kalau redeem points kegembiraan hidup dia untuk jadi clean slate balik.
So sekarang nak keluar The Sims 4. Tak sabar nak tahu pembaharuan apa pulak kali ni. Tapi hopefully tak payahla sampai aku kena upgrade RAM lagi. Oh my... apa pun sanggup! Dah keluar demo build your sims. Memang realistik gila kalau buat muka boleh jadi macam Angelina Jolie ok. Nak buat muka kau pun boleh. sapa yang pandai grafik mesti jadi. Aku?? hmm.. yang hidung kecil, mata bulat, mulut nipis, putih, rambut panjang tu cantik la bagi aku hahahahaha...
Siapa yang gila The Sims mesti paham apa aku merepek ni. Ok lah bye
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Did I grow up according to plan?
Since childhood, I know we have to live up to my dad's expectation. He would motivate, encourage, assure that the spirit to be successful is always high. I have 5 siblings including myself. I'm the eldest with four younger sister.
My dad is a kampung boy who manage to make it to overseas doing electrical engineering masters and degree. Since he were small he played with mud and climb trees. A real kampung boy I must say. However, I'm not as genius as he wish. Haha.. When I secretly flipped his degree result, my eyes nearly fall off its socket because I hardly see any B's on the paper. He got 3.72 CGPA almost made it to the first class honour during the time. No wonder he can jump to any companies as he wish...
My second sister, I think the only one who inherit his genius trait. She nailed UPSR with 5As, PMR with 8As, made it to MRSM Jasin (previously in MRSM Transkrian) got 10A1 and then took International Baccalaureate in Kolej Mara Banting as preparation for her medical studies in Galway University, Ireland. I think she never sees any B's in her life ever. Now a doctor already..
So, two of us doing Accountancy (me and the fourth sister), the third doing architecture and the youngest still in Form 1 Sekolah Seri Puteri.
Three of us made it to MRSM (including myself, haha)but I am just average laaa.. Not as outstanding as other students. I think I am the kind of person who is quite stubborn, I hate engineering, the more my dad ask me to do it, the more I'm rebelling not to. Actually I know that I am not up to the standards to do engineering, maybe. Ok lah at least my husband is an engineer. He can kawan with my dad. When they start conversation during meals or anytime when we dine outside, I would go like O.O
Obviously because I am too stupid to handle hahaha.. No lah ok, I just go with my dreams actually. Doing accounts is not bad at least for me, because it is still a professional by profession. Afterall, I already been qualified as a Chartered Accountant, so it wasn't that bad right? Haha.. If my kids were to pursue accounting, I would straightly ask them to do ACCA instead of degree for it's known worldwide.
Where would I go after this? Do I live up to my dad's expectation? I think it is 50-50 la kot. :p
How does it feels......
I can't wait for my husband to reach KL this week..! It had been almost five days ok. FIVE days he work at the platform. I can't even whatsapp him. Luckily they have fixed line there and 4 to 5 times a day he would call me but still.. I miss seeing him. Hehe.. This morning he flew by chopper just like the usual and I would go like.. Don't you feel gayat? If it were me, I would rather take the boat to make it to the land.
So, this Friday, I would go fetch him at the airport as usual :)
Where would we go this long weekend ya? Any idea? I'm thinking of Langkawi but ya.. surely it will be quite pack especially on long weekends like this. So we both decided to take extra leave on Tuesday hence the need for some vacation. My bawse went to Amsterdam and Greece for three weeks that's heaven yea right!! So where should we spend our weekend? Cherating, no? PD? When I go Redang, I swear I would never swim in PD ever again. Air PD warna coklat imagine! Dhla accomodation quite pricey. Melaka I just went there last week. Cameron, many times already, Genting with little toddler is a no-no, Penang is my hometown so no lah, maybe we should hibernate in the house instead. Haha.. Brrr.....
Selamat pulang my LOVE.
Sebab perempuan minta cerai
1) Suami tidak cukup mencuba
- Secara semulajadinya perempuan suka dipujuk, dimanjakan, disayang selalu. Kalau tak dibelai selalu pun sekurang-kurangnya tunjuklah suami masih menginginkannya seperti sebelum berkahwin dahulu. Sekali sekala ucapan rindu pun mampu meroboh benteng iceberg hati isteri yang tengah marah. Kalau bergaduh, suami langsung tak berusaha untuk memujuk, lama-lama mungkin jadi barah dalam rumah tangga bila mana ada lelaki lain yang sudi jadi pendengar setia.
2) Deraan fizikal atau mental
- Kalau tak dera fizikal, dera mental. Contohnya menghamburkan kata-kata kesat kepada isteri semasa bergaduh, memukul depan anak-anak, tak merasa bersalah bila memukul isteri, dan lain-lain penderaan. Mungkin sekali dua, lepas pukul minta maaf masih boleh terima. Tapi kalau dah setiap kali bergaduh berakhir dengan physical abuse, cinta dalam hati mungkin bertukar menjadi ketakutan terhadap suami.
3) Suami tidak memberi nafkah zahir/batin
- kategori lelaki lupa tanggungjawab. Zaman sekarang ada wanita yang lebih berjaya dari segi kerjaya berbanding suami. Tapi itu bukan tiket untuk lelaki mengabaikan nafkah isteri dan anak-anak. Bila mana isteri mula rasa semua tanggungjawab terpikul di bahu nya sendiri, syaitan mula lah memainkan peranan menghasut apalah gunanya membela suami yang seperti biawak hidup.Melainkan telah dipersetujui bersama bahawa tugas suami di rumah menjaga anak-anak dan isteri mencari nafkah tidak mengapalah. Tapi dalam agama sendiri menyatakan tanggungjawab memberi nafkah sebenarnya terletak di bahu suami. Ada je kenalan doktor pakar dan suami nya cuma dirumah menguruskan anak-anak sebab si isteri tak sanggup biarkan anak-anak dibela tangan orang asing. Wanita ni okey jer asalkan lelaki jaga anak betul-betul, bukan 24 jam menghadap SMS perempuan lain bila masa tu dah banyak sangat di rumah.
4) Krisis pertengahan usia
- Krisis mula berlaku bila anak-anak dah di universiti atau dah bekerja. Masa wanita itu tidak lagi sibuk menguruskan anak-anak dan anak-anak pula dah jarang berhubung dengan ibu. Ruang kosong ini pula diisi dengan berfacebook lalu terjumpalah kekasih lama muda-muda dulu. Terlanjur berjumpa menerusi facebook, nak pulak jumpa berdepan, face to face. Maka cinta lama berputik kembali. Serasakan tiada lagi tanggungjawab terhadap anak-anak, anak-anak pula sudah mula berdikari, dalam hati mula berfikir, aku patut berfikir untuk diri aku sendiri walaupun terpaksa lukakan hati suami. Ramai jer jadi macam ni. Know that u are damn annoying old woman! *vomit*
5) Tiada keserasian
- Walaupun bercinta sudah bertahun-tahun, baru setahun jagung berkahwin dah bercerai. Bila dah berkahwin baru sedar tak ada keserasian dalam hubungan. Lebih buruk lagi bila ada campur tangan orang tua yang masing-masing nak menegakkan anak masing-masing. Yang terkorban tentulah perkahwinan yang baru dibina. Kadang-kadang perempuan ni lancang je minta cerai bila bergaduh tapi tak semuanya berniat betul-betul nak bercerai. Ada je yang saja nak duga suami sayang ke tak kat dia. Sebab tu la talak di tangan lelaki. Ada je lelaki yang kaki mabuk, kaki layan pelacur then kahwin dengan perempuan yang bercinta dengannya bertahun-tahun. Zaman sekarang, percintaan jarak jauh tu biasa. Si perempuan pulak tak tahu aktiviti sampingan bakal suami yang satu ni. Bila dah tahu, berperanglah dan seterusnya bercerai.
Goods and services tax (GST)
Disclaimer : This entry is for my own reference only. I don't take responsibilities for any incurring events with regards of this entry from now on.
- Jenis barangan
- Kebaikan GST
At first, I don't understand what GST is. Apa bezanya dengan SST (Sales and Service Tax) yang ada sekarang? Forgive me for being ignorance tapi GST is everywhere now (2014) and I guess it's the time for me to look thoroughly what it is all about. Actually the first ever interview I've been after finishing my final paper in uni is with Ernst & Young as GST consutant back in 2010. No wonder why I did not make it in the second round as I have no idea what is it hahahaha... Whatever. It is good to know that the industry player is getting ready for this moment wayyyyyy back then.
GST falls under indirect tax atau cukai tidak langsung. Registration deadlines for businesses with income more than RM500,000 is at 31st December 2014. The actual implementation is on 1st April 2015. However, for business which has turnover of less than RM500,000 have the voluntary option to register.
Failed to register can cause fine ranging from RM1,500 to RM 20,000 with effect after the date of official implementation of GST.
Those who register are eligible to charge GST to their customer, however, those who did not register have no other option but to absorb GST as consumer.
I can say that SST is single stage tax whereas GST is actually a multi stage taxation, with every level included such as manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers and consumers
Types of supply
- Standard rate supply (6%)
- Zero rated supply - not collect GST on supplies but entitled to claim credit tax input used in the course of furtherance of business.
- Exempt supplies - not collect GST. Not eligible to claim tax credit on input
- Supplies not within the scope of GST - eg. service provided by government, sales incurred from a place outside Malaysia
The keywords to understand here is kredit cukai input atau input tax credit. I am too lazy to demonstrate in graphic but lets just say, for instance, a wholesaler (W) who is registered for GST bought its supplies from manufacturer (M) (also register for GST) for a value of RM 100,000. Therefore, in M's invoice stated that W have to bear GST of 6% (RM 6,000).
After that, W sold its supplies to retailer (R) for a total invoice value of RM150,000. That means, R have to bear GST of 6% as well (RM9,000). W is eligible for input tax credit of RM6,000 for supplies bought from M, which means the GST remit is RM 3,000 by wholesaler instead of RM6,000 (RM9,000 - RM6,000). Got it?
I can conclude that, in GST tax is fairly distributed all the way until it reaches the final stage in the chain which is the consumer.
Kebaikan GST
By implementing GST, it will lower business cost, enhance global competitiveness, enhance compliance, reduce red tape, fair pricing, greater transparency.
It is obviously not me, myself making up all these points. When I understand GST, I know all the above is very logic. Why? Should I elaborate more? Hahahaha...
- Lower business cost. Remember that I point out about kredit cukai input? Yea, thanks u got the idea.
- Enhance global competitiveness. Trading outside Malaysia tak diimpose GST. Adalah cukai lain tapi later lah ya..
- Enhance compliance. I think so as semua companies yang nak charge GST are required to register.. Where?? Di Custom Dept. of course. Can use manual post, TAP system (Tax payer access point) or walk in je.
- Reduce red tape. Secara automatiknya ya.. Maybe tapi mungkin awal-awal mesti ada juga karenah.
- Fair pricing. Yes, because tax is distributed fairly along the chain.
- Greater transparency. Sebab of course company nak claim input tax credit, so have to disclose invoice kat kastam lah or whatever way they disclose so that they will be eligible for that. Kalau SST ada jer mamak charge ok. Tanpa register ke Kastam whatsoever so pendapatan negara tu sedikit sebanyak terbocor sebab sebagai pengguna do u really know yang mamak tu ada bayar ke SST to kastam? Atau dia charge other income je for SST yang dia kutip tu. Tapi GST, hopefully senarai company yang register akan boleh disemak dengan cepat lah so that peniaga tak sesuka hati charge GST even tak register.
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Happy day
Today definitely brings significant impact on my future.
Thus, I'll mark it as one of the happiest day in my life in the year 2014. Alhamdulillah for this opportunity. Yes, there's a lot to be done. Just bringg it on! :)
Hopefully in the next 20 years when I look back at today's date, I would be grateful that I don't waste this chance to improve myself for the sake of myself, my family, my race, my religion and my nation.
So just wish myself the best of luck.
Ya Allah luaskanlah rezeki ku dan seluruh ahli keluargaku. Amin..
Thus, I'll mark it as one of the happiest day in my life in the year 2014. Alhamdulillah for this opportunity. Yes, there's a lot to be done. Just bringg it on! :)
Hopefully in the next 20 years when I look back at today's date, I would be grateful that I don't waste this chance to improve myself for the sake of myself, my family, my race, my religion and my nation.
So just wish myself the best of luck.
Ya Allah luaskanlah rezeki ku dan seluruh ahli keluargaku. Amin..
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Kurang tiga tahun
Tak terlambat lagi rasanya nak ucapkan selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin kepada kamu yang tak sengaja ter come across (whats the word?sorry) blog ngeng ini tanpa sengaja melalui Google or whatsoever la.. Kosong2 kita ya..
It's already been August 2014 but still.... Banyak lagi agenda yang belum dicapai. Aku andaikan tahun ni sebagai tahun mengubah diri dan sikap supaya menjadi wanita yang lebih matang. 2014 tak ada satu pun resolusi yang aku list down
Masa spring cleaning terjumpa diary aku yang aku hadiahkan kat boyfriend merangkap husband aku sekarang. Yikes! Baca balik apa yang aku tulis, I can conclude that I was so naive back then. Mimpi yang indah2 saja. Hahaha...
We were only 20 years old hehe... Buku penuh angan2. Nak ada anak 3 org lepastu cross sorang sebab rasa banyak. Tak sangka aku pernah macam ni. Seriously nak buang tapi husband tak bagi. Modal gelakkan aku la tu..
My ideal family back then is duduk dirumah yang ada halaman luas, ada 2 kereta one for him, one for moiii, weekends visit parents, and petang weekend minum tea together. Fairytale sangattt...
So now, after 7 years... We were totally different person, however the love is still strong as ever. Ya allah i love him. Tapi resolution aku untuk 2015 takkanla kebudakan macam 7 tahun lepas kan.. Harus realistik sikitlah.
Mission jangka pendek aku which is less than 3 years, but the efforts ke arah itu must be done now now now!
Before i reach the age of 30 by 2017, what i want is to be a better person in every ways, complete my professional cert that will commenced starting next year, try to conceive for second baby, and be healthy.
My long terms goal would be...
Performing hajj with my husband and my daughter before i reach 38, start my own firm before i reach 35, have savings of 12x times household monthly income, keeping our marriage solid and strong ever after.
Hopefully when I reach 35 I won't laugh at myself like what I did now to me the in my 20s. Erghh...!!!
(satu kerja nak bawak diary ni everywhere sbb taknak orang baca!)
It's already been August 2014 but still.... Banyak lagi agenda yang belum dicapai. Aku andaikan tahun ni sebagai tahun mengubah diri dan sikap supaya menjadi wanita yang lebih matang. 2014 tak ada satu pun resolusi yang aku list down
Masa spring cleaning terjumpa diary aku yang aku hadiahkan kat boyfriend merangkap husband aku sekarang. Yikes! Baca balik apa yang aku tulis, I can conclude that I was so naive back then. Mimpi yang indah2 saja. Hahaha...
We were only 20 years old hehe... Buku penuh angan2. Nak ada anak 3 org lepastu cross sorang sebab rasa banyak. Tak sangka aku pernah macam ni. Seriously nak buang tapi husband tak bagi. Modal gelakkan aku la tu..
My ideal family back then is duduk dirumah yang ada halaman luas, ada 2 kereta one for him, one for moiii, weekends visit parents, and petang weekend minum tea together. Fairytale sangattt...
So now, after 7 years... We were totally different person, however the love is still strong as ever. Ya allah i love him. Tapi resolution aku untuk 2015 takkanla kebudakan macam 7 tahun lepas kan.. Harus realistik sikitlah.
Mission jangka pendek aku which is less than 3 years, but the efforts ke arah itu must be done now now now!
Before i reach the age of 30 by 2017, what i want is to be a better person in every ways, complete my professional cert that will commenced starting next year, try to conceive for second baby, and be healthy.
My long terms goal would be...
Performing hajj with my husband and my daughter before i reach 38, start my own firm before i reach 35, have savings of 12x times household monthly income, keeping our marriage solid and strong ever after.
Hopefully when I reach 35 I won't laugh at myself like what I did now to me the in my 20s. Erghh...!!!
(satu kerja nak bawak diary ni everywhere sbb taknak orang baca!)
Monday, April 14, 2014
Of Renaissance hotel KL
It can be said this month of April quite a bliss month at least for me sebab... tax refund from the IRB dah dapat yey and get to kepit my husband like a leech sebab he got meeting in KL two weeks in a row!!
Stayed at level 24, we got the room with tower view.
Macam biasa, setiap kali masuk hotel wajib nak tengok toilet. Toiletries dia paling best. Banyak kott.. hehe..
Macam hotel lain jugak.. sama je interior cuma win kat toiletries je ;)
That's my couch potato boss with her popcorn on our bed. -_-
Overall ok. The room is not that spacious as compared to other 5 stars hotel. It can be said that the staffs are well trained and friendly. There's a BUT.... however I think every hotels have their own policies to maintain their standard. My baby is not allowed to enter the cocktail sheeshhhhhhhhh and thats the only complaint I have.
Families with small kids are advisable to dine at the dining area downstairs at the ground level.
At least I got some off days before giving a full swing on my day job next week. Haih.. another tax audit for my client in the week to come. Why la...
Gross profit rise, gross profit drop also giving us headache because the client might be prone to kena tax audit. Obviously it cant be stagnant every year, so just let them do it and embraceeee hahahaha.. bye
Stayed at level 24, we got the room with tower view.
Macam biasa, setiap kali masuk hotel wajib nak tengok toilet. Toiletries dia paling best. Banyak kott.. hehe..
Macam hotel lain jugak.. sama je interior cuma win kat toiletries je ;)
That's my couch potato boss with her popcorn on our bed. -_-
Overall ok. The room is not that spacious as compared to other 5 stars hotel. It can be said that the staffs are well trained and friendly. There's a BUT.... however I think every hotels have their own policies to maintain their standard. My baby is not allowed to enter the cocktail sheeshhhhhhhhh and thats the only complaint I have.
Families with small kids are advisable to dine at the dining area downstairs at the ground level.
At least I got some off days before giving a full swing on my day job next week. Haih.. another tax audit for my client in the week to come. Why la...
Gross profit rise, gross profit drop also giving us headache because the client might be prone to kena tax audit. Obviously it cant be stagnant every year, so just let them do it and embraceeee hahahaha.. bye
Friday, April 11, 2014
Tips bila berjauhan dengan suami
Dah 2 tahun aku belajar hidup berjauhan dengan suami. Aku ingat lagi, pertama kali dia kena report duty ke seberang laut, aku terkelu jap. Husband pun pening nak accept job offer atau reject je. Dhla baru kahwin, tengah pregnant, now kene duduk asing?? Sobs. Sebenarnya bukan aku sorang macam ni. Ramai. Zaman sekarang ni jarangla nak jumpa husband and wife duduk sekali. Bukan semua orang nasib baik. Bestfren aku kahwin dengan orang kapal.. memang berbulan jugak kena tinggal. Apa pun aku patut bersyukur aku tak pernah kena tinggal lebih 2 minggu hehe..
First time skype dua2 nanges haha kelakar bila ingat balik. Sekarang masing2 dah tough. Cuma fikir masa muda kerja kuat2 boleh relax awal. No point aku ikut dia, bukan boleh bawak naik pelantar pun. Sama je kena tinggal jugak. At least kat sini aku ada saudara, family boleh tengok kalau sakit ke apa. Husband pun selalu sangat balik. Kadang2 meeting kat kl balik jugak. Aku rasa masa yang kitorang spend lagi berkualiti berbanding masa dia kerja kl dulu.
So, bila husband takde, apa yang aku buat?
1. Kemas rumah. 5 hari kerja mana ade masa nak sental toilet bagai. So, precious weekend buatla apa yang patut.
2. Shoping. Sebab ada baby agak leceh nak shopping. Tapi aku selalu ada adik atau kawan keluar sekali so senang. Tak boleh imagine nak tolak stroller and trolley at the same time sorang2!
3. Buat apa aku suka. Contoh : menjahit apa2 jela
4. Hantar baby kat babysitter jap, g spa pamper yourself.
5. Selalu berhubung dengan suami kalau dia ada coverage
Tengok2 dah habis weekend.. takde masa nak rasa bosan. Tambah2 anak dah aktif memang takde masa la nak meratib bagai. Baik layan baby je.. then next weekend husband pn balik.. masa ni la nak mengada ke apa lantakla.
Yang tak bestnye bila duduk jauh ni bila anak sakit ke, aku sakit ke.. sedih ok. Seboleh2nya aku nak elak anak aku warded sbb dah pernah rasa susahnye.. nak kerja, nak g toilet kat ward pun susah sebab baby takkan nak tinggal. Nak tak nak kena ada orang lain sekali dengan kita. Tapi alhamdulillah sejak dah jangkau setahun ni anak dah jarang sakit.
Hubungan jarak jauh macam ni memang menuntut kepercayaan tahap tinggi dan isteri pulak memang kena independent. Kena yakin tujuan suami pergi nak cari nafkah untuk family. Bagi aku, selagi husband aku beria nak balik rumah je lepastu kalau balik tak boleh berenggang ok lagi la tu. Call pun hari2, tak dapat call emel je lepastu wajib bercakap dengan anak dia hari2, nafkah tak pernah miss, aku rasa takde masalah besar nak letak sepenuh kepercayaan kat pasangan. So bak kata adik aku, " love is blind, but marriage is an eye opener".. true indeed.
Cant wait for tomorrow.. my normal routine every friday after work I have to head straight to the airport to pick up my boyfriend. Haha nitez!
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Redeem maybank treats points
Sebagai pengguna tegar maybank, be it online banking ke.. bayar bil so on and so forth even credit card and insurance persaraan pun aku ambil maybank punya. So, dah lama tak check treats point. Kalo pengguna maybank mesti tau apa benda ni.. Malas nak explain hehe.. basically it is a reward in terms of points bila guna servis diorang.. sama je macam bonuslink etc..
Berbalik pada cerita, aku try la tengok berapa dah treats points aku. Ada 50000 ++ .. cuba redeem something la hehe... so aku redeem jam casio yang memerlukan treats points dalam 41k something.. nak test betul ke dapat for free.. benda free sape taknak kan..
Dalam web cakap proses dalam 3 ke 4 minggu sebelum attempt delivery.. sokey la, ive got nothing to lose pun kan. Tapi i got it within a week. Magic for me sebab mana ada benda free wei dalam dunia ni.. i checked the market price rm119 jam ni so not bad la kan.. bukan cap hayam sangat hehe
So.. taraaaa
Give it to my baby sis in Seri Puteri as I already have a watch given by husband. Tak dak la pengumpul tegar jam pon.. apa pun aku suka sebab free yey!!
Sapa pakai amex maybank p la usha treat points hampa. Aku suka amek sebab points dia triple lagi2 on weekends. Kalo master ergh points bergerak macam sipot sedut. Aku la.. kalo jenis yang memang selalu guna kad kredit ni mesti banyak accumulated points punya..
Ok goodluck bye!
Berbalik pada cerita, aku try la tengok berapa dah treats points aku. Ada 50000 ++ .. cuba redeem something la hehe... so aku redeem jam casio yang memerlukan treats points dalam 41k something.. nak test betul ke dapat for free.. benda free sape taknak kan..
Dalam web cakap proses dalam 3 ke 4 minggu sebelum attempt delivery.. sokey la, ive got nothing to lose pun kan. Tapi i got it within a week. Magic for me sebab mana ada benda free wei dalam dunia ni.. i checked the market price rm119 jam ni so not bad la kan.. bukan cap hayam sangat hehe
So.. taraaaa
Give it to my baby sis in Seri Puteri as I already have a watch given by husband. Tak dak la pengumpul tegar jam pon.. apa pun aku suka sebab free yey!!
Sapa pakai amex maybank p la usha treat points hampa. Aku suka amek sebab points dia triple lagi2 on weekends. Kalo master ergh points bergerak macam sipot sedut. Aku la.. kalo jenis yang memang selalu guna kad kredit ni mesti banyak accumulated points punya..
Ok goodluck bye!
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Good night Kuala Lumpur
It was a night well spent in KL. The last time I checked in at KL hotel was a week before my due for delivery which is at Corus Hotel. I remember it took 30 minutes to make u turn to the hotel which is located at nearby, opposite direction. Traffic was so congested it drove me crazy especially during peak hour.
This time, we checked in at Gtower hotel. Honestly I never heard of it but because the next day meeting is scheduled at Menara Binjai, which is just a walk away from the hotel, so we give it a try.
It was a very pleasant stay. I love the interior and everything, only one thing they do not allow guest with kids to the dining area. Other than that, 99.9% okay..
How time flies, and I think there were times I nearly lose myself. I used to be very ambitious last time, full of confidence, I believe I could achieve everything but now I'm not that kind of person anymore. I miss the feeling to be so determine and bold but I'm only human.... time has taught me a lot, my peers has taught me a lot... really, I learn about life through times. Time made me change 180 degree.
Looking out through the windows, half of me says maybe I should bring a little bit of my old self now and kickstart mylife, but another half says I should just go with the flow... let life suprise me with unexpected things that it has to offer.
I'm enjoying my 'me' time in dreamland until my husband call me to uhm... sleep.
I plan to design our house like this once we manage to stay together again for good. Right now I'm happy to announce that we got tenants already.. yey! An expatriate from Philipines... I'm ok with that as long as the family will take care of the house in a proper manner.
A little sneak peek of Gtower hotel interior....
Nitey loves!
This time, we checked in at Gtower hotel. Honestly I never heard of it but because the next day meeting is scheduled at Menara Binjai, which is just a walk away from the hotel, so we give it a try.
It was a very pleasant stay. I love the interior and everything, only one thing they do not allow guest with kids to the dining area. Other than that, 99.9% okay..
How time flies, and I think there were times I nearly lose myself. I used to be very ambitious last time, full of confidence, I believe I could achieve everything but now I'm not that kind of person anymore. I miss the feeling to be so determine and bold but I'm only human.... time has taught me a lot, my peers has taught me a lot... really, I learn about life through times. Time made me change 180 degree.
Looking out through the windows, half of me says maybe I should bring a little bit of my old self now and kickstart mylife, but another half says I should just go with the flow... let life suprise me with unexpected things that it has to offer.
I'm enjoying my 'me' time in dreamland until my husband call me to uhm... sleep.
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View of the night |
I plan to design our house like this once we manage to stay together again for good. Right now I'm happy to announce that we got tenants already.. yey! An expatriate from Philipines... I'm ok with that as long as the family will take care of the house in a proper manner.
A little sneak peek of Gtower hotel interior....
Nitey loves!
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
A tribute to MH370
Dear Malaysia Airlines,
Pengalaman saya bersama anda bermula sejak saya di dalam kandungan mama saya lagi, flight dari Kuala Lumpur ke London ketika mama bertemu abah saya yang sedang belajar. Dan kemudian balik ke Malaysia dengan selamat semasa saya cuma seorang bayi. Masa tu sekitar tahun 1988. Terima kasih kerana menjaga kebajikan kami semasa sepanjang perjalanan.
Saya masih ingat, ketika berumur 7 tahun apabila nenek pulang dari Makkah, saya dan abah menaiki Mas dari KL ke Penang. Pada saya, jus oren dalam kapal terbang Mas lah yang paling saya rindukan ketika zaman kanak-kanak saya.
Sekarang, saya sudah hampir berumur 27 tahun, pengalaman anak saya dengan Mas juga bermula ketika di dalam kandungan lagi, flight dari KL ke Singapura. Saya masih memilih Mas kerana dengan menaiki Mas dapat mengimbau kenangan masa kecil saya yang selalu rindukan jus oren Mas. Ada sesuatu dalam Mas flight yang mengimbau kenangan kanak-kanak saya.
Banyak momen penting dalam hidup saya berkisar dengan Mas. Duduk berjauhan dengan suami dipisahkan oleh Laut Cina Selatan juga menyebabkan pengangkutan udara menjadi suatu elemen penting dalam kehidupan kami.
Pengalaman di udara tidak semuanya manis. Bukan semua flight smooth landing dan bukan tiada panic attack kat udara semasa terbang. Tapi selalunya ketika di udara, walau seteruk mana turbulence, saya percaya Mas akan membawa saya ke darat dengan selamat. Alhamdulillah.
Dan apabila Mh370 dilaporkan hilang pada pagi Sabtu 8March2014, hati saya susah nak percaya. Masa tu saya di Cameron Highland. Ingat nak ambil short break tapi end up rasa gloomy sikit sebab hal itu. Tapi selagi tak jumpa, saya masih tidak putus berharap agar semuanya selamat.
Saya tidak berhak untuk berkata apa-apa, saya tidak dapat membayangkan perasaan ahli keluarga yang kehilangan... tetapi saya doakan semoga semuanya tetap tabah walau apa pun yang terjadi.
Semoga warga Mas dan pihak keluarga tabah terhadap setiap ujian yang diturunkan. Amin...
Pengalaman saya bersama anda bermula sejak saya di dalam kandungan mama saya lagi, flight dari Kuala Lumpur ke London ketika mama bertemu abah saya yang sedang belajar. Dan kemudian balik ke Malaysia dengan selamat semasa saya cuma seorang bayi. Masa tu sekitar tahun 1988. Terima kasih kerana menjaga kebajikan kami semasa sepanjang perjalanan.
Saya masih ingat, ketika berumur 7 tahun apabila nenek pulang dari Makkah, saya dan abah menaiki Mas dari KL ke Penang. Pada saya, jus oren dalam kapal terbang Mas lah yang paling saya rindukan ketika zaman kanak-kanak saya.
Sekarang, saya sudah hampir berumur 27 tahun, pengalaman anak saya dengan Mas juga bermula ketika di dalam kandungan lagi, flight dari KL ke Singapura. Saya masih memilih Mas kerana dengan menaiki Mas dapat mengimbau kenangan masa kecil saya yang selalu rindukan jus oren Mas. Ada sesuatu dalam Mas flight yang mengimbau kenangan kanak-kanak saya.
Banyak momen penting dalam hidup saya berkisar dengan Mas. Duduk berjauhan dengan suami dipisahkan oleh Laut Cina Selatan juga menyebabkan pengangkutan udara menjadi suatu elemen penting dalam kehidupan kami.
Pengalaman di udara tidak semuanya manis. Bukan semua flight smooth landing dan bukan tiada panic attack kat udara semasa terbang. Tapi selalunya ketika di udara, walau seteruk mana turbulence, saya percaya Mas akan membawa saya ke darat dengan selamat. Alhamdulillah.
Dan apabila Mh370 dilaporkan hilang pada pagi Sabtu 8March2014, hati saya susah nak percaya. Masa tu saya di Cameron Highland. Ingat nak ambil short break tapi end up rasa gloomy sikit sebab hal itu. Tapi selagi tak jumpa, saya masih tidak putus berharap agar semuanya selamat.
Saya tidak berhak untuk berkata apa-apa, saya tidak dapat membayangkan perasaan ahli keluarga yang kehilangan... tetapi saya doakan semoga semuanya tetap tabah walau apa pun yang terjadi.
Semoga warga Mas dan pihak keluarga tabah terhadap setiap ujian yang diturunkan. Amin...
Monday, March 24, 2014
Beli mesin jahit Lazada
Call it hormones whatsoever, suddenly rasa membuak2 nak ada mesin jahit walaupun tak pernah tahu menjahit. Setakat jahit bodoh2 pakai tangan tak sampai 2 minit tu bolehla. But, obviously i dont want to underestimate myself. Hahaha...
My first experience with Lazada is not that good. U know, first impression really count sebab for the longest time I never want to buy anything from them until one fine day... my hormones told me to get a sewing machine.
Macam biasa, my husband layankan aje.. he's the one who pay pun haha.. We manage to survey few electrical shops, unfortunately they do not sell sewing machine. Until we stopped by at Singer andddd goshhh pricey nya mesin jahit baru ku tahu. 2k ++ for the stupid machine? Err... for beginner like me? Being a generous wife, I do not want to spend hubby's money coz I know myself very well. My hormones would just fade away eventually. Maybe I won't sew anything pun karang. Semakin complicated machine tu makanya semakin mahal dong. 7k pun ade.
Give up. Sampaila I google Lazada. Hmm... ada mesin yg nampak simple and more affordable. Should I? Shouldn't I? Finally I decided to give them a second chance. This time we do C.O.D.
And to my surprise.. the service is super fast!! I ordered on Sunday evening and the machine is with me at 4.30 pm the next day. Delivered via taqbin to Lembah Kelang area if I am not mistaken. Definitely will buy again tapi C.O.D lah hehe...
Presenting my new baby...
Global sewing machine rm369 only available at Lazada after discount. Thank you Lazada for the great service and for not letting me down for the second time. Definitely will come back to shop from you again. :)
My first experience with Lazada is not that good. U know, first impression really count sebab for the longest time I never want to buy anything from them until one fine day... my hormones told me to get a sewing machine.
Macam biasa, my husband layankan aje.. he's the one who pay pun haha.. We manage to survey few electrical shops, unfortunately they do not sell sewing machine. Until we stopped by at Singer andddd goshhh pricey nya mesin jahit baru ku tahu. 2k ++ for the stupid machine? Err... for beginner like me? Being a generous wife, I do not want to spend hubby's money coz I know myself very well. My hormones would just fade away eventually. Maybe I won't sew anything pun karang. Semakin complicated machine tu makanya semakin mahal dong. 7k pun ade.
Give up. Sampaila I google Lazada. Hmm... ada mesin yg nampak simple and more affordable. Should I? Shouldn't I? Finally I decided to give them a second chance. This time we do C.O.D.
And to my surprise.. the service is super fast!! I ordered on Sunday evening and the machine is with me at 4.30 pm the next day. Delivered via taqbin to Lembah Kelang area if I am not mistaken. Definitely will buy again tapi C.O.D lah hehe...
Presenting my new baby...
Global sewing machine rm369 only available at Lazada after discount. Thank you Lazada for the great service and for not letting me down for the second time. Definitely will come back to shop from you again. :)
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