Kenapa kali ni aku pergi private? Yes, the reason is EPIDURAL. Remember when I deliver in Hospital Serdang and I did request for any pain reliever during contractions but unfortunately tiada epidural according to the staff nurse. I'm so not gonna pee many times on bed lagi untuk delivery kali ni dan aku takut sangat sakit sebab aku dah tau sakit nak beranak tu adalah terlalu sakit. Cukuplah sekali aku rasa all the way natural without any pain reliever.
Berbalik kepada cerita tadi, first time appointment pergi pilih gynae and terus je check up dengan dia. Kadang-kadang that particular gynae ada urusan bila next appointment so consider klinik tutup, staff hospital akan inform earlier via SMS and phone call. Senang lah nak plan check up kat klinik biasa je. Tapi make sure bawak lah report tu bila nak bersalin nanti. Kat KPJ tak payah bawak buku tebal2. Just bring along appointment card, segala mak nenek info tentang check up patient sebelum2 ni dah ada dalam sistem. Check up kat sini sepanjang aku pergi memang tak pernah less than RM100 haha.. A simple check up include scan la. Selalunya tu harga untuk check up biasa macam scan, timbang berat, tekanan darah and consultation sikit2. Untuk minum air gula, check darah semua mahal sikit lagi. Usually bila check up klinik biasa untuk normal one aku cuma kena max RM60 je include scan. Yelah, mana charge consultation specialist hahahaa.. Whateves.
From both experience, first born with GH and new little addition with private, satu perbezaan nyata yang aku nampak is, with GH masa deliver tu I have to bear a lot of pain, tak ada orang nak fokus kat kau je sebab ramaiiii sangat nak terberanak, kena panggil nurse or doc to come entertain u masa u really need any help from them or else diorang akan entertain patient lain yang ramaiii yang also need them at the same time. Hihi.. TAPI layanan dalam wad is superbly awesome dekat GH. Couldn't ask for any better dan aku tak ada apa nak complaint sebab di GH memang diorang ambil berat sangat pasal patient after delivery. Banyak kali jugak doc buat ward round. Tak tahulah sebab aku ambil first class ward ke apa tapi aku rasa wad lain pun sama je kot in terms of service.
As for private hospital, dekat labour room memang best. Aku kan tak sakit masa dah dilate 5cm tapi aku insist jugak nak ambik epidural sebab takot sakit. Afterall that's the ONLY reason aku nak beranak kat sana. So all the way during the labour process is a bliss sebab aku relax, tengok tv tak menangis or menjerit bagai menahan sakit. Staff nurse akan datang tak perlu panggil to make u as comfortable as they can. Betul masa nak tunggu dilate 10 cm tak ada scene terkencing banyak kali sebab contraction ok. Semuanya gentle dan buat aku rasa 'bersih'. Don't get me wrong here, 'bersih' means aku tak rasa hancing sebab when I need to pee nurse dah siap tube and besen. When my ketuban dipecahkan, air keluar sikit2, bila pad dah penuh diorang akan tukarkan without having to ask. Tapi lepas tu di ward, biasa2 jelah. Aku prefer GH lagi untuk servis post-delivery.
Manage to capture few pics in labour room while waiting for the 'real' labour. Sorry pic quite gelap. It's a dimmed light anyway so that aku boleh tidur. Masa procedure je pasang lampu terang.
Labour room |
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Labour room |
Wad |
Lepas deliver, aku ambil double bedded ward. Bayar extra untuk katil so that we have the whole room to ourself plus husband get to have his own hospital bed for the night. Tak sure lah tapi aku rasa bilik single cuma ada satu katil je and yang teman boleh tidur sofa. Correct me if I'm wrong, that's why we opt for double bedded room. So kat atas ni aku capture katil husband aku lah. Husband aku pon dapat makanan hospital jugak every meal time macam dia pulak yang bersalin. Ceh. Menu ada variety.. for me menu orang berpantang lah always ikan with blackpepper lah, ikan masak apa lagi tapi ikan ikan ikan all the way. For husband menu orang biasa jer..
So dengan epidural dan double bedded room, the cost is..
for normal delivery without forceps, vacuum etc.
Hopefully bermanfaat for new moms out there yang masih berfikir kat mana nak bersalin dan sebagainya. Sharing is caring till then bye.