I remember the first time I decided to start blogging, I wanted to write about my pregnancy progress. Being me, as not so istiqomah person memanglah semuanya kelautttt... I did post something when I feel like blogging, leave it for sometimes and come back when I have something in mind. Bad, bad me. I should keep track with my life often, I guess after this. Really need to realise that I am getting older and the clock is ticking yo!
It had been a while... Without realising that we almost reach the end of 2013. I never know for the last 10 years that I'm having a kid and a handsome husband (at least in my eyes) by now. Really, I still feel like a kid. Haha... I think I just said goodbye to highschool like... Yesterday. Btw, SPM was 2004 silly. Almost 10 years already. I miss the time we played tennis, bbq-ing with homeroom siblings, being in a class where each n everyone of us love to organise so called party (read : bbq) until get scolded by our homeroom teacher coz still tak sedar diri nak spm. Rindu gila semua perasaan tu. I want to sit at my desk where everyone during the time is there. How I wish..... To cheat again in pjk class, taking short cut during morning run and get scolded.
I don't know that being an adult is quite a tough job. Now that I have a kid, I have put a thought on her education, marriage, and every tiny details such as the best milk she should consume, whether she got bitten by mosquitoes and all. Looking back at her pictures back then made me love this tiny creatures even more. Now I realise why my dad keep saying that in his eyes, I am still his baby girl. I think I would feel the same for my baby too. She is forever my baby girl to me. I love her with all my life.
I love u so much my baby girl. Don't grow up so fast! Hihi
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