Hi there 💓
Yesterday whole family felt bit fatigue so semua tidur awal. Even masa tu pukul 9 pm something pn I dah macam moody2 nak tidur haha.. Then husband I tanya why you takde mood etc? He always akan stress bila I takde mood. Then I said I dont know.. U urut kaki i lah. But I dozed off kot.. I tak tahu la dapat urut ke tak I rasa semua tertidur je kot.
Then this morning kan.. I terjaga pukul 4.15am. Told my husband kita dah lambat ke? U dah subuh? Actually bila tengok jam ala baru kul 4 lebih kee tapi tak ngantok pulak.. But then sambung cuddle and tidur jela smpai subuh around 6.10am 😄
Right after prayers semua kita terus g park to work out. First time I nak bawa java bike I and twas a success hahhaa.. Still got that skill lol.
View like this... subhanallah 💓 |
Normally we will jog around 1 full round tau.. Tempat ni besar kot.. Ada naik bukit, turun bukit, tanah rata, somehow challenging jugakla especially coach potato macam I. Husband I self claimed yang dia athletic so whatever 😶
Today I did cycle one round.. and he jog one round. The first bukit yang I cycle tu kan bapaklah seloww serius kaki I macam tak tahan kot even da drop gear smpai low sangat da. Hahaha.. But I told myself many times keep going don't stop even masa tu kaki i dah wobbly sangat hahah..then got another bukit tau.. I macam dah dapat momentum, I should cycle laju2 then I takkan struggle bila naik bukit. True kot! Of course I akan laju than my husband sebab dia jog kan. I sampai dekat carpark, tengok phone scroll2 while waiting for him to arrive.
Husband : U cycle ke naik bukit tadi?
Me : Yelah I cycle
Husband : I cari2 u jugak dalam longkang then panggil2 nama u takde..
Me : Whattt? Why..
Husband : Mana tahu u jatuh tak sangka pulak u boleh cycle dekat bukit tuh
Me : *cricket sounds* whatever la paaa..
One achievement unlocked today. Pat my back..
My lunch today... I buat sambal udang his favourite. Normally I akan beli cili kering kelantan tau.. Sebab dia tak pedas langsung.
Husband : Nanti u datang rumah mak, u masak la macam ni
Me : Kan mak masak
Husband : Nanti u cakap la dekat mak, I suka sambal udang macam ni. U ajar mak buat cmni
Me : Takkan la I nak ajar mak u. Agak2 la paaa
Husband : Takpela kenapa tak boleh
Me : Actually I suka je masakan mak u. I masak cmni sebab u tak suka pedas. Have to u know!
Petang we went to the Mines, collect spectacles I. I tak rabun pun, power both eyes cuma 25 je tau. Bukan 250 lol.. But buat jelah sebab rugi la ada staff benefit tapi tak claim.
I choose it sebab bingkai dia cantik.. Cantik kan!
I just pakai ni whenever I tengok laptop je.. Husband I minta tambah uv ray ke ape ntah so hopefully it meet the purpose lah.
Today my dad will come down to KL. I miss him already. My kids pulak minta rendang ayam and pulut kuning from my mom.. Jap lagi my dad sampai. Nak kemas rumah byeeee....
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