Hi Dear,
I just completed my vaccination yesterday. 2nd dose at PWTC was so smooth. Sekejap sangat dah settle. This time, I memang tengok when the PIC doing the jab, just to make sure that they do it properly coz banyak dah complaint vaksin angin la, tak suntik etc. Im soo not gonna waste my time on having to face semua tu. Nope, didn't take any pics sebab nak avoid risk of contagious infection if I let others hold my phone or vice versa. Digital cert tu cukup dah bukti dah complete dose kan.
Musim durian dekat pilah just started around past 2-3 weeks. Ade lah jual dekat my friend sikit, etc. I tak excited sangat musim durian ni, entahlah. Maybe sebab dari kecik my family pun ada dusun durian. Always spend time sana when there's durian season. Then after married, my husband bought an orchard also.. which more or less the same je lah. And one more sebab durian ni buat I benci. Biasalah perempuan menggedik andartu blaja kolej private jadi doktor kontrak pastu demand nak permanent post pulak akan hint suka durian la etc. Like I care. Semua benda rasa entitle. Kamonla.
I just came across a quote tau.. 'heartbreak doesn't last long, same goes to love'. U know what I mean? Over time, it heals.. tapi u won't forget that u are hurt, cuma somehow hati u dapat terima, and u akan tahu sebenarnya pemilik hati tu cuma satu, Allah. Sedih bila tahu orang yang kita sayang, percaya tu.. hati dia dekat orang lain. If it was easy to just walk away, I would. Tapi banyak sangat hati yang akan terluka. Especially my parents and my kids. So, I know I can to this too. Memaafkan dan move on, melupakan tidak.
It would be easy if he just let me go macam tu.. dari pujuk I with his every effort. Made me feel macam sometimes I love him, bila ingat balik I jadi benci. Mengamuk2 untuk dia lepaskan je I (ni memang I wajar kena kecam) but then he said that until I found someone yang boleh jaga I better that dia jaga I, he won't lepaskan I. One day if I found the one, then dia akan buat apa yang I nak. Ok bai.
This morning, I feel like boosting my immune system lepas ambil vaksin. Scared last time masa first dose teruk sangat effect dia for a day. Demam, sakit badan etc but this time I takde rasa apa apa pun. So far so good. Cuma husband ada demam dan sakit badan. But taknak mengaku lol.
Guna juicer jelah mix orange + tomato + herbalife collagen + aloe. Biasalah rasa collagen ni tak sedap rasa nak muntah tapi when mix with fresh orange okay jela tutup mata minum. In my early 30s now, so kena la love myself more. Orang lain hati boleh berubah kan.. Dia lupa kot hati I ni pun boleh je berubah.
My breakfast drink. Oh lupa, ada add a tsp of kelulut honey. One of superfood yang I suka. Confirm natural sebab my sis in law bela belakang rumah dia je 😅
Hello breakfast!
Okaylah hopefully boleh cantik lepas ni wakakakakaa...
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