Sunday, March 28, 2021


Been so long since my last entry. Last week I ada cakap nak buat few things but I hanya mampu merancang.. Allah yang menentukan. I had my menses so I tak dapat buat la puasa straight seminggu 😑 I dapat few days jela but its ok. Effort is what matters kan.

16 days till Ramadhan. I dah dapat satu shake recipe using c&c which memang sedap. I think for Ramadhan, I akan all out jelah diet kan. Ada around sebulan setengah lagi so.. sempat sangat nak shed few more kgs. Since I first started my weight loss journey on early Feb'21, I have shed a total of almost 10kgs of weight. Insyaallah if I keep going doing things that I have learned from the support group, I'll be alright.

Last week jugak, my husband passed his assessment.. which die takut sangat tu. Because his superior and few of his colleague pun ada yang have to repeat the assessment again. But he did it the first time. I genuinely happy for him. 

His birthday is coming.. I had few activities planned already. So I hope all went as plan lah. I still follow diet, I would not say it is diet lah.. not strict coz u still have to stuff yourself with food. Cuma I dah belajar makan dengan portion yang betul, makan benda yang betul.. without having to suffer from starvation.

Chicken marinate w yogurt, pepper, salt.. with veges dipped with greek yogurt

Bekal I the other day.. masa dekat office. Yep, I actually dah mula rasa selesa makan macam ni. 

Weekend jugak I met my fren from uni.. we brought the kids to KL Bird Park. They had fun! Not our first time pun datang sini but this time I baru perasan ada hornbill. Amazed jap tengok. Super duper cantik.

Later on, we went off to kedai bunga favourite i. Sampai my daughter cakap mama kalau masuk kedai bunga mesti lama sebab tak tau nak pilih yang mana. Semua cantik2. 

Choice for the week

I ni normally bila masuk kedai akan terus nampak benda yang I nak. Means I dah grab this orange roses. Lepastu melilau lagi cari mana tahu nak tukar... then orange tadi letak balik. Somehow, after a while I mesti akan ambil balik orange tu semula sebab selalunya I akan patah balik dekat first choice I. I tak puas hati if tak pergi cari bunga lain tu yang jadi lama tu. Sedangkan if terus ambil je n bayar bunga first choice I tu, dah setel lama dah. Masalah orang perempuan kan.

That sum up last week punya cerita. Oh ya.. Neelofa dah kahwin semalam! I'm so so happy for her. Semoga perkahwinannya diberkati dan dilimpahkan rahmat oleh Allah swt. 

Husband I nak balik Khamis ni. So today jela last chance I nak kemas rumah before dia balik. Weekdays I kerja, memang tak lah nak kemas rumah teruk2. Till then, bye.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Bukan malaikat

I'm blogging while listening to Boyzone - No Matter What 😀 Almost 7am.. ade time sikit, so I think I just do some update here. 

I realise setiap manusia tu.. ada progress dia sendiri. Don't judge other that's what matters. Progress dalam hidup, progress emotionally.. progress in diet 😑.. haha.. afterall, we are just human. We are far from perfection.

As long as we try to improve ourselves everyday, we are gonna be okay.

Hidup di dunia ni.. cuma persinggahan. Sekejap je. Mungkin sehari, setahun, sepuluh tahun, seratus tahun.. lepas tu dah takde lagi. Semua yang ada dalam sistem ciptaan manusia ni, kita tak bawa masuk kubur pun. Selagi hidup, jadi je manusia yang beri manfaat kepada manusia lain. Alhamdulillah atas segala ujian dalam hidup I, menjadikan I manusia lebih baik hari ini, berbanding semalam. I sedar, my husband and I, we both bukan malaikat. Masing2 ada kekurangan.

I plan this week I nak puasa. Start from today. Sahur tadi I had my shake.. blend with all superfoods (kurma, chia seeds, madu kelulut). One thing yelah.. of course I nak shed weights. I've been cheating banyak sangat last week. Memang rasa bersalah but then.. like I said, I bukan malaikat and I'm not perfect haha..

Tapau lunch.. the healthiest yang I can choose hm..

Lunch semalam. This one diet approved

How sinful 😑

So this week, let's pretend I had braces and couldn't eat. Haha.. I nak sahur and buka with shake only the entire week. Wish me luck! My final leap of the month. I grew older dah, so I really need to take good care of my health la kan. Even though I don't know what the future holds. 

What I plan this week :

  1. Fasting the whole week, sahur and buka with shake ONLY
  2. Sembahyang zohor dekat surau awal. Not combine with asar haha.. Awal waktu please
  3. Workout before buka puasa
  4. Plank after subuh prayers
  5. Try to study before sleep
  6. If Allah woke me up at 4.30am, I should get up and be grateful to him by doing what I should

Yesterday my sister came over, then off we go to Titiwangsa. I tak naik basikal, I jogging ya.. But feels really good afterwards.

Balik taman, I pergi aeon stock up barang.. 9.30pm I still cooking for the kids. Untuk bekal diorang today. Mak2 macam ni lah. I takut I tak sempat. I tak sempat la nak bergayut dengan husband as usual malam ni.. so.. text will do lah kan. Deep down I know, but I just want to ignore for a while.. I'm afraid to put my expectation too high already. I love u too.

Till then, I should get ready for work now. 

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Cry for me

Pagi ni.. bangun awal sikit.. around 4.30am sebab semalam tidur awal sangat. Ready lunch box for the kids, sempat masak laksa kurus untuk diri sendiri. Haha..

My lunchbox today...

I bukan peminat laksa actually.. tapi i commit nak follow meal plan, so there u go. Tak habis pun makan.. asalkan kenyang je.

Harini nak membebel tentang hukum ganggu rumah tangga orang. Perempuan ni ada banyak jenis.. Ada je yang sebolehnya elak keluar dengan suami orang, ada yang nampak luaran je macam baik tapi takde segan silu keluar dengan suami orang.. ada jugak yang nampak macam jenis main redah, i.e nampak luaran macam jahat, tapi takkan sampai hati ganggu rumah tangga orang.

Basically.. kita tak boleh menilai manusia dari luaran sebenarnya. Yang nampak baik tu, tak semestinya hati baik, yang nampak jahat tu, tak semestinya hati busuk. Perempuan yang ada maruah dan harga diri, mostly takkan proceed pun berkawan dengan suami orang. Tak ada istilah kawan ye antara lelaki dan perempuan yang dah berkahwin. Whatever u put into the universe, will come back to u. Ketahuilah, one day, kau buat rumahtangga orang macam ni.. Kau akan rasa jugak apa yang kau buat ni. Kalau bukan kau, anak cucu keturunan kau akan rasa semua benda yang kau buat dekat rumah tangga orang lain. Honestly, bila kau rasa ok je makan2 tengok wayang dengan suami orang lain without the wife knowing, kau memang perempuan yang tak tau batas. Murahan. Hidup ni mudah je... kalau tak mampu nak menyenangkan orang, jangan menyusahkan orang.

Ketahuilah hukum mengganggu rumah tangga orang adalah HARAM.

Kesan dia banyak ya.. bukan sekadar tu je. Yang tahu, tahulah. Hati isteri ni, kalau dah mati rasa, susah. Bila dia tahu dekat hati suami tu ada si sundal sial ni. Mostly akan undur diri. Unless suami ni cepat tersedar yang dia dah buat kesilapan bila dah tesedar dari mimpi sementara tu. Cubalah sekuat daya pun nak dapat semula hati isteri yang dah luka tu.. kesannya tetap ada. Maafkan mungkin, melupakan mungkin tak. Eventhough the husband already cut off all the ties and communication.

Trust issue tu ada. If the event happen bila pasangan suami isteri ni tak ada masalah pun, mungkin suami hanya rasa nak isi kekosongan yang ada. The aftermath tu.. bukan hanya atas isteri sahaja, tetapi kesan dekat suami pun ada. Lagi-lagi bila isteri dah diam dan tak meratap menangis, mengamuk semua, suami sikit sebanyak rasa je yang wife dia tak takde trust pun dekat dia. And dia akan question whether wife dia masih sayangkan dia seikhlas hati lagi ke tak macam dulu. Wife pulak selalunya akan rasa worthless.. question balik aku tak pandai jaga suami that's why jadi macam ni. Tapi perempuan kuat, dia selalunya akan diam je dan do things that make her happy. Invest in herself more after the event happen in their marriage.

Semua dah dewasa, dah faham. I personally, alhamdulillah tak pernah proceed nak kenal dengan suami orang lain masa belum kahwin dulu. Suami orang ni, memang tak dinafikan agak directlah in terms of approach dia tu. Tak tau lah memang ada je so called 'anak dara' yang boleh terima approach direct macam tu. Tapi ramaiiii je lagi perempuan baik kat luar sana bolayan je ajakan lelaki yang dah ada family ni ; i.e yang dah berkahwin. I syak so called anak dara tu memang sejenis desperate dats y rembat jelah apa yang ada 😏😏

Takpe, I mampu kesian je hahahha..

Wife ni sometimes bukan sengaja nak bersikap kurang ajar ke ape..tapi ketahuilah isteri yang disayangi oleh suami akan menjadi isteri yang mentaati. Perempuan ni cara dia defend diri dia macam tu lah sampai kadang kala tersalah tafsir dikatakan kurang ajar. I dah malas nak membebel pasal ni. Sebabnya.. benda ni.. semua orang tau je. Cuma dia jadi jugak kat orang lain2.. Nak cakap fitrah pun tak.. mostly sebab gagal kawal hawa nafsu. Gagal hadap ujian bila ada pihak ketiga cuba menyondol.

My day harini not bad lah.. alhamdulillah atas rezeki hari ni..

I manage to settle all outstanding task today.. CFO I on leave so cam hip hip hooray lah kat ofis dia takde haha..

Jambu air colleage I bagi.. buat snacking pagi

Bouquet duit n loket gift from my FSD

Girls out there.. value your worth. Invest in yourself.. Hidup jangan menyusahkan orang.. Cuba gembirakan orang sekeliling. Jangan ambil hak orang. Keep moving forward!! 💝 Hidup ini terlalu singkat untuk terus meratap. Doakan I shed more and more weight this week ya.. Doakan yang baik2 untuk diri sendiri.. stay positive! Yang penting... jom ber'oil'ing dulu 😉

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Random ramblings

Sunday is famday..

I baru dapat forwarded message that Selangor ppl tak boleh g Putrajaya ya.. Tu dah kira rentas negeri. Whateves. I suppose orang Putrajaya pun tak boleh lah rentas pergi Selangor kan. Rasanyaaaa lah. 😏

I takde mood langsung nak g sana, even though kita pay tax jugak tapi tak boleh pun nak guna kemudahan yang dibangunkan guna duit rakyat tuh. Funny much. Nak komen banyak, I'm just a potato. So, I sauna je today.. Then kemas rumah. At 3 pm keluar bawa the kids.. pergi taman di SELANGOR, makan2 etc.

I had lunch today ikut MP.

Peri peri chicken ala nandos with oriental salad

Bukan I nak cakap ya.. tapi this time recipe ni almost perfect macam Nandos. I finished everything. Since ada diffuser ni memang rasa best je. Husband I cakap harap I tidur lena takde nak marah2 lagi da hahahha.. Betullah tu.

I went to my favourite florist today.. beli roses and baby breath. Ganti bunga I yang da kering tu. Made my day. Eh dekat Selangor lagi banyak benda best lah. Lol.. No point nak stress over unnecessary thing kan. If one door close, many doors lagi akan open for u. Don't worry.

New day new love

Diffuse Peppermint tonite..

New week started tomorrow.. I dah commit nak release lagi 2kgs this week. So yeah.. just keep on following MP rapat2, drink at least 3L water daily.. try to makan on time. Exercise a bit. I think I'm gonna be okay.. Just tryna love myself more. U know.. sebanyak mana cinta pada manusia, semua tu cuma pinjaman. Kalau u sendiri tak sayang diri u, u expect orang lain akan sayang u ke? No.

I wanna get rid of all negative vibes, negative people around me as much possible. Selagi I hidup, I want to live my life, for me, for the kids, for the people around me that I cherish. If I nak daki gunung ke today, I'll do it because this is my life. Hidup ni senang je.. asalkan tak menyimpang dari agama semua akan ok. 

My exboss call me, ask me to join his Company. It is actually MNC company lah specialised in Oil and Gas. Better offer, definitely. Tapi since I akan move to Bangi around next year, I takkan la nak join the Company for short term je kan. I guess I'll stick to my current Company jelah. Husband jauh, I sebenarnya memang have to kerja around tempat I stay je. Lucky jugaklah, my current Company pun is a PLC, which banyak je benda I belajar. Rezeki tak kemana ya. I ada juga potray myself as home baker ke macam tu, but I rasa sebab I sayang je accounting ni so yeah.. tak kot. I foresee myself climbing the career ladder, at the same time maybe provide consultation service macam tu.

My husband, on the other hand, career path dia memang dekat offshore. Now da start assessment for OIM, I guess... I takde lah harap dia akan come back by my side for good dalam masa terdekat ni. Que sera sera whatever wil be wil be. Ape pun, I akan selalu doakan husband I berjaya dalam apa pun yang dia lakukan.

I think dats all. Really need my beauty sleep. Rejuvenate. 💓

Saturday, March 13, 2021

I miss you

Lama tak update. My uncle passed away last week... 08.03.2021.. almost 09.03.2021 sebab dah dekat midnight.

Alfatihah to him..

Rush back to the north. Before that pick my daughter from school around 10am.. Journey took around 4 hours, we manage to arrive sebelum kebumi. I drove all the way there, since my husband is not around. Letih sangat. Planned to follow meal plan closely last week, tapi Allah knows better. Bila balik kampung, of course diet I ke laut lah. Sebab masakan my mom is something that I cannot resist. Good food, good companies. Lama sangat tak balik kampung sebab pkp. So this time kita balik to gather with the rest of the family.

My desert mist diffuser has arrived...

In love

I letak dalam bedroom, diffuse at night, sometimes in the morning, after my workout. Rasa tenang je.. As usual weekends I akan pergi cycling. Semua barang I sampai office when I'm not around that 2 days. Malu jugak macam asyik shopping je keje I hahaha.. CCTV, helmet basikal, lampu basikal, loceng basikal emgeee..

My baby


I balik rumah around 10am.. Pre work out I had my F1 shake. But I think I rindu my Choc Dutch shake lah. Next time I nak order choc one.. I cooked nasi lemak for the kids. They said sedap ya. 😋 Alhamdulillah, I manage to control myself from eating full plate of nasi lemak.

I had parpu telur healthy as per MP. Taste quite good, despite it is consider as healthy food.

Parpu telur healthy

Then around 4ish pm.. snaking time I had banana with peanut butter.  Also had ningxia sachet that I got from YL. Basically it has high antioxidant which is good untuk awet muda.


Petang ni I ada class with Sunway. Concurrently I update blog jugak sebab ni je masa I ada to update today haha.. 

I selalunya text my husband on random things macam ni.. Jawapan dia pun selalunya 😎😵

I syak kalau husband I kerja dekat ni.. confirm I lagi kurus lah  joking!

I miss him.. tapi tulah, kena cari benda lain to divert my mind from thinking too much on that. Story of PJJ couple. Macam ni lah. Really hope I akan kuat paddling this boat alone, sometimes. Huhu..

Love always 💝

Monday, March 8, 2021

Doa itu harapan

First day of going to school in the year 2021 for my 2 children. 

I woke up at 4.30am today. Maybe sebab I nervous lah that's why almost every hour I akan terjaga.. Setahun lebih online classes.. they both excited to go to school. I prep kan my daughter's bekal etc, woke her up at 5.15am, prep her breakfast and 6.00am transporter datang pick her up. Must be a really tiring day for her today. Kesian anak I. Huhu..

My first born, honestly me as a mom, I nampak dia tak pernah langsung menyusahkan I. She did her homework herself, even when we arrange for tuition, teacher datang rumah ajar Bahasa Cina summore at night.. She's giving her all. Tak pernah teacher complaint. Her brother pulak, jenis manja. Anak bongsu at the moment, he's 6 years old now. Always asking his sister to accompany him during his online class. The sister teman je.. never complant. I once heard her conversation with his dad. My husband asking her what she wants, he'll get it for her. Ask him anything that she wants.. Sebab she never minta anything from us. Then I heard she says that she don't know what she wants coz she has everything already 😭 Then she says, if my husband insist on buying her something, just buy her a mandarin dictionary. She's 8 years old now.. Then she says if he happen to see Godiva Pearl chocolate at the airport, just buy her that. She says that after my husband insist that she must have a thing that she really wants. I macam nak nangis bila tengok how responsible she is. 

I doakan both my child dipermudahkan urusan, dilapangkan dada menerima ilmu, dilindungi dari bahaya dan kejahatan, diluaskan rezeki, jadi anak yang tak meninggalkan sembahyang.. anak yang soleh dan solehah. Amin YRA.

Today I wfh lah since my office close one day due to sanitizing process at our floor. Swab result negative, alhamdullillah. Almost all finance department got negative result so yey. 

I breakfast my usual F1 shake, almost finish dah the dutch chocolate. Tak sabar nak start consume yang cookies and cream pulak after this. 

Roti boyan using japanese sweet potato

Honestly, sedap. And kenyang sangat. I macam ni lah.. Bila husband ada, I susah sikit nak diet sebab I know he enjoys food so much.. then we will always eat outside ke.. or when at home I mestila kena masak his favourite food kan. Kalau I, memang I boleh je makan makanan heathy macam ni sebab honestly I tak pernah teringin pun kuah masak lemak etc. Husband I, on the other hand, automatic bila dia ada kat sini, I nak stuff dia dengan all his favourite. Unless he request nak eat healthy, ok je la I buatkan.

2021, I want to fly high. Like really high.

I nak belajar berenang, nak belajar naik kuda before year end. In terms of my career, I need to finish my study lah. I tak risau sangat sebab I rasa I dah on track sekarang since I pun memang tengah belajar. It's not that I don't know how to swim, tapi I imagine diri I nak berenang macam atlet tu haha.. If not pun at least berenang macam Sazzy Falak. Really fit at her age, macam she never aged at all. Naik kuda pulak, I terfikir nak buat something yang out of my routine. Then, I nak lose weight. I think I'm on track at the moment, insyaallah sebab ada proper coaching at it works for me. Cuma I need to register myself for class la on the swimming and horse ride part 😅 belum start lagi. Basikal tetap basikal ya.. every weekend wajib pergi.

I nak share waktu mustajab berdoa yang works for me selain lepas sembahyang :

  • antara azan dan iqamat
  • ketika iqamat
  • hari Jumaat, malam Jumaat
  • waktu sahur, sebelum fajar
  • waktu turun hujan
Sebenarnya, if I baca waktu terbaik untuk berdoa tu... almost setiap kali is waktu terbaik. Kuncinya doa je. Doa je apa yang kita nak, even Allah dah tahu pun sebenarnya apa kita nak. Tapi bila berdoa tu, menunjukkan kita ni sebenarnya hanyalah hamba yang lemah, yang berharap, yang berserah. Allah akan kabulkan semua yang kita nak. Cuma kita perlu berdoa. InsyaAllah...

Okaylah I nak beli groceries, then pick up my childrent from sekolah agama later. 



Sunday, March 7, 2021

Just because

First day dapat meal plan. So.. the menu today is nasi ayam hainan.

I'm using brown rice for this meal and yang lain macam biasa.

My lunch today

This morning I naik scale, alhamdulillah nombor sa dekat belakang tu dah kurang 1. I'm happy, indeed. Breakfast I had my F1 chocholate shake, mixed with low fat milk, chia seeds and madu kelulut. Rasa sedap. Nasi ayam ni pun sedap je actually. Bila joined coaching baru faham macam mana nak enjoy makan, dapat semua nutrients, and at the same time boleh lose weight.
So tinggal menu petang je untuk snacking and malam I kena consume F1, no dinner ya sepanjang follow coaching March. I think I'm getting used to it. Bukanla nak cakap diet, it is more to changing my lifestyle. At least I'm more aware of my food intake, in terms of portion, nutrients etc.

I have to do swab later today at 2pm. Still tak siap lagi maigod. I better get going now. Balik nanti I nak sauna jap and kemas rumah. Vacuum etc. Just to be productive since from morning dah hujan, I tak dapat g cycling harini.. Too bad. Huhu..

Till then. Xoxo.

Most productive day it seems

6.30am woke up. Drink a bit. Perform my subuh prayers. 7.00am start enjin, cari port cycling. I reach Taman Rimba for the first time... tapi port dekat situ macam tak sesuai untuk cyling plus sunyi a bit it scares me.
Then I pergi my usual spot... This time around I cycling jauhhhhhh lagi dari hari tu. Stamina I increase a bit la kot. That's the reason why. 

Enjoy below pics of my experience today...

Start cycle around 7.30am... and habis at 10am. Actually I thought taman tu is a one big cycle tau.. I mungkn end up akan jumpa balik tempat yang sama. But nope guys. Nope. I dah cycling sampai end of the park... Actually it crossed 3 parks sebenarnya. Took me almost a hour untuk sampai ke hujung. Imagine I have to patah balik to my car.... using back the same route. That's why jadi berejammmm hahahahaha.. Silly me.

10am still a lot of people at the park.. dengan family, picnic. Nice scene to see sebenarnya. Cantik sangat taman2 kat sini.. people should utilise it more. Sayang la kalau kemudahan ada, tapi tak semua orang utilise.

Then as I mentioned sebelum ni, aunty I nak bertunang today. I have to be there at 11.30am sebenarnya. Imagine I masih dekat park at 10.00am.. Nak balik mandi semua, memang rushing to reach at the event by 11.30am. Fortunately, I made it on time. Hehe..

Congrats my aunty on your engagement

Sempatlah mingle with my other uncles and aunties, together with all the cousins.. I gerak balik rumah lepas Asar je. Will lots and lots of food bawa balik from the event. I almost forgot that I got class at 6.00pm until 8.00pm today. Hujan lebat sangat, kereta semua slow je.. Banjir summore. I stuck dalam jem la sikit. I betul2 reach home by 6.01pm... Masa tu class dah start! 😨 Nasib lah baru intro je masa I masuk tu. So far so good. I love the lecture. Harap I ok jelah dengan kelas semua ni. Online je pun.

Finished at 8.15pm macam tu, I baru nk perform my Maghrib prayer. I know, lambat. My bad... Isya 8.37pm today. Again, I masih ngam2 untuk sume benda harini huhuhuh.. But at least I cuba buat kan. Then after habis semua, around 9.30pm macam tu CFO i whatsapp bagitau ada colleague dekat ofis positive. So our office officially close on Monday untuk sanitise. And all the staffs need to buat swab test. Shit. 

Baru je HR keluar memo kena kerja everyday. The first day of kerja everyday itself office kena tutup. As expected lah. Cos case tinggi but school pun dah reopen, cinema pun sama. So, why bother?

Tonight, again, we fight. Sebab he asked me to send his picture for his slide/ work purpose la if I ada. Of course I ada. But I memang tak akan bagi. Why? Because I taknak benda lama berulang lagi. Call it traumatised or what, tapi I memang tak akan bagi his picture to him. Like no. Big no. Even I have it, it is for my safekeeping only la. I taknak babi gemok sial sundal celaka tu dapat gambar dia, when the memories belong to me and him. Only.

And I tell to his face that I won't give. That picture masa we both jog together before we got married, the day I cooked him spaghetti bolognese simply becoz it is his favourite. I snap his picture after dia makan. And that picture.... is the picture I hate the most now.

My day has been good, tapi it ended quite bad today. Takpelah. I'll try again tomorrow. Esok I got swab test at 2pm.. morning maybe I nak pergi cycling lagi since it's weekend.. Monday ofis tutup. Yey for that! First day my daughter and son akan going for physical class, luckily I off. My sister will come over tomorow sebab dia tertinggal barang. And I nak stock up groceries to follow meal plan.. tak tahu pukul berapa. But have to la since I betul2 nak commit this month. We cannot come to office until the results are out.. takpe lah. Mesti ada silver lining di sebalik semua ni.


Friday, March 5, 2021

Jodoh, ajal, maut aturan Allah

Jumaat harini.

Ramai yang diuji. Mungkin kalau i yang di tempat diorang, I pun takkan sekuat mana untuk hadapi ujian2 tu. Ujian orang lain membuatkan I insaf sangat. Apelah sangat ujian I orang calarkan kereta tu. Huhuhu.. 

Colleague I, her father in law lama dah diagnosed with covid19. Tapi the after effect tu, membuatkan organ dia dah rosak and end up kena bergantung dekat mesin bantuan hayat. Almost 2 weeks the family harapkan miracle. Everyday doctor akan call, even semalam doctor suggest untuk tutup mesin bantuan hayat tu since tahap oksigen da tinggal 11% je.. So this morning, di hari Jumaat yang mulia ni, akhirnya father in law kawan I pulang ke dunia yang kekal abadi.

Around 9.30am, my mom bagitahu menantu ustaz dekat area rumah my mom passed away sebab covid. Kerja O&G juga di negeri sama dengan my husband. Satu lagi berita kehilangan, buat I rasa sayu mengenangkan wife yang ditinggal dengan anak2 yang masih perlukan kasih sayang bapa diorang. 😭

Satu lagi berita sedih hari ni.. ex schoolmate I masa dekat MRSM passed away today. Eventhough I takde kenal rapat dengan dia, but he's bubbly kind of person, selalu ceria je and paling active dalam group sekolah. He's a good guy. Tinggalkan balu dan sorang anak lelaki. PJJ couple macam I... I tak dapat bayangkan perasaan wife dia. The husband goes camping with a group of friends, end up 2 out of 5 of them lemas. I tak sanggup langsung nak bayangkan. I tak kuat langsung untuk diuji macam tu 😭😭 I really harap the wife and the son dikurniakan ketabahan untuk hadapi ujian ni. 

Tak tahu kenapa rasa sayu je hari ni. Sekarang pun hujan kat luar tu.. while I'm typing this. Hidup ni terlalu singkat untuk dipersiakan. Kalau kita sayang someone, i.e husband, parents, anak.. bagitau lah orang tu yang kita sayangkan dia. Jangan tunggu sampai dia takde baru menyesal sebab mungkin masa tu dah terlambat. I janji dengan diri I, takkan stress kan husband I, ikhlaskan hati I untuk maafkan semua benda yang dah lepas.. and sayangkan family I, hargai parents I while they are still around. I sedar, one day, semua takkan jadi sama. 10-20 tahun lagi.. I pun tak tahu whether nenek I masih ada, parents I masih ada ke.. Atau I cuma akan terus memendam rindu yang tak berpenghujung. Kalau bukan I yang pergi dulu. I do pray that one day, semua yang I sayang akan jumpa lagi di syurga nanti.

Cakap pasal jodoh, aunty I akan bertunang esok. Akhirnya aunty I akan capai bahagia dia dengan pasangan. I doakan jodoh diorang kekal sampai syurga. Allah dah aturkan perjalanan hidup kita terlalu cantik. Allah maha mengetahui setiap kejadian. Syukur atas kurniaan, sabar atas ujian. 

Kat ofis tadi, almost 4-5 kali jugak my husband buat video call. Everytime dia buat, masa tu lah ada yang menempel dekat meja I minta itu ini hahah.. I know mesti dia bosan la tu. Sebab lama dah I bagi password netflix I dekat husband I.. Baru harini I dapat notification dia sign in. Alahai..

I know, kitorang PJJ lama sangat dah. Sometimes I sedih jugak tak dapat jaga makan minum dia, pakai dia.. happy kan dia. Especially bila rumah tangga kitorang diuji, sepatutnya I realise I pun contribute jugak sebab I pun layan nak tak nak je bila dia balik sini. Memang lah anak perlu attention, tapi I baru realise yang husband pun is another baby yang nak attention kita jugak. Husband I dah complain makanan hotel tak sedap, dah jemu etc. I order la food panda for him bila dia dah snap gambar tak usik nasi, makan ayam je pulak then leave the sayur untouched.

I pulak sesedap je sini makan mee hailam la, kueytiaw ladna la with the kids. Kesian dia. Bila i snap pic, dia cakap sedapnya n sedih lak. Adoi.. sumpah rasa bersalah.

Husband : I nak order foodpanda la. Makanan tak sedap. I nak order subway

Me          : Eh jangan order. I dah order

Husband : U order apa?

Me          : Subway

Husband : Seriusla. Mana u tau i nak makan subway

Me          : I know.

Call it telepathy, tapi banyak kali jugak macam ni. Tahla, I just nak dia happy, Tu je.. Selagi I masih ada pasangan hidup, I patut belajar lebih menghargai pemberian Allah dekat I ni.

Made my day.

Benda pertama masuk perut I this morning is..

Cucumber + celery + tomato + carrot + lemon + chia seeds



Dinner yesterday.. Failed haha! Had homecooked nasi ayam hm.

Breakfast I had my usual shake. Suppose dinner pun kena amek shake jugak but I lapar haha.. Meal plan dah dapat. I janji I akan folo MP rapat2 okay after this! Wish me luck hahahaa.. Husband I cakap if I berjaya turun ke berat yang dia target tu, I get to ask anything that I want from him. Gosh please la harap I boleh drop weight rapidly this month... Amin..

Thursday, March 4, 2021

What's your number

As I mention previously, the month of March should be the month of diet for me. Failed until 3rd March, we shall see today if I failed again, I will update tomorrow.

Normally from breakfast until petang ok je, still makan makanan yang good for the body. Tapi, dinner susah sikit for me sebab bila order food for my kids, automatically I pun jadi lapar dan makan makanan berat2.. Ah nangis! 😭

Today, I wfh. Tapi I hantar the kids to school.. so I can focus more lah. Selalunya tak hantar pun if I wfh walaupun fees dah bayar full. Sometimes sebulan tak sampai seminggu pun diorang dekat school especially when my husband is in town.

Lunch I just grab my F1, mixed with low fat milk, chia seeds and madu kelulut. I just madly in love with superfoods. I hope they work wonders. Long term boleh nampak lah effect dia.

Day before and yesteday, here's my lunch.. *drumrolls*

Wholemeal bread with tomatoes, prawn n cheese 💓

Lunch ikut MP... Pizza ape tah but quite nice and kenyang

Bread to my own recipe lah. Of coz bread beli yg dah siap.. I cari yang low GI. Sedap je makan macam tu and kenyang coz I have fruits and salad summore.

Bottom one is pizza recipe from my coach.. Not really pizza please. Ni pizza sihat je tau..

Breakfast alhamdulillah masih elak lagi la makan nasi lemak ke, laksam (my fav!) kuih muih semua sebab I cuma consume F1+chia seeds+soymilk/ milk + black seed + madu kelulut jer. So far I rasa sihat with my choice.

This month I target nak lose 5kgs of berat. Insyaallah I have to really be discipline in terms of food intake, at the same time I have to exercise jugak kan. Sekarang ni weekend normally I akan pergi cycling alone while the kids still asleep. Fret not, adik I ada je kat rumah. Takde lah tinggal the kids without supervision.

Like I said just now, dinner I memang ke jurang mariana huhuhu.. I had mcd maigod! and yesterday I had nasi arab!!! Nangis!

So sedap yet so sinful.. This portion share 3 orang with my 2 kids

Balik rumah tengok jiran I bagi pulut retis lak letak kat motor 😭

Susah I nak elak makan bila dengan orang lain. Bila masak for the kids, I pun cam terliur2 end up I makan paling banyak. Uwaaa!!!

I'm happy with my number today. Kalau dapat turun 6kgs better sangat dah. It's hard, but with proper guidance and perseverance nothing can defeat u. I think it is possible la sebab last month I berjaya je turun 2.6kg even though I memang diet macam tak diet je and a lotttt of cheating hahahahahha.. makan mcd, pizza siap!

Still early of the month, really do hope that I menang this time. Like seriously. Let's just treat this as my journal ok.

Kereta I kena calar.. this morning baru perasan so I end up beli cctv kt shopee.. huhu.. pastuh beli lagi touch up paint, helmet basikal dengan sofa cover uhuk!

Ade la hikmah even I pissed off sangat pagi tadi. Now I dah cool down a bit. I memang harap orang yang buat tu hidup die takkan tenang and banyak masalah sebab dah menyusahkan orang lain. Kamonla, kereta bukan murah tau. Senang2 je nak calarkan sedap mak nenek kau. Sekarang kau tengah aniaya orang. Tunggu jela balasan kau nanti. Memang tak lah nak doakan yang baik2 hahaha..

Gile bhai negative vibe dari pagi. I tension gile da la ade webinar hari ni.. tak fokus sangat sebab geram punya pasal. I really hate to start my day dengan negative vibe. Tapi nak buat macam mana benda dah jadi.

What's my number? Number I end with 6 today. 😙 So yeah, lets target 6kg this month to round up that figure, no?


Tuesday, March 2, 2021

To do list

Celik mata then few seconds after that azan subuh berkumandang. I bangun and minum air segelas, before anything. Then off to go cycling area rumah. Since today is weekdays, school dah start summore, so I taknak hadap jammed together with the rest. Cycling sini jelah.

Now is 8.54am, 2nd of March 2021.

I expect I'm done with this by 9am and can start my day already.

My to do list today

  1. Have my breakfast shake (F1 + chia seeds + soy drink + black seed)
  2. Work from home 
  3. Ordering breakfast via Foodpanda for the kids
  4. At 12.30pm begin cooking for lunch - simple for the kids
  5. At 2.00 pm continue working
  6. At 5pm bring the kids out
  7. Also buang sampah
  8. At 6 pm dinner with the kids outside
  9. At 7pm reach home - ask the kids to bath
  10. Prep them for online class at night.. 7.30pm till 10pm
Dear self, please drink plenty of water today and brace yourself when it comes to fooddd..

I think that's it.


Monday, March 1, 2021

Hello March

Bulan ni I dah start busy. 

Online classes, the kids started physical class.. we could probably start to work from office 5 days a week as usual.. and so on.

So yeah, hello march!

Started today, I nak eat clean, eat superfoods, exercise more, invest on myself more. So I nak jot down what I did/ eat today and everyday after this, insyaallah.

Harini I demotivated. Dunno why... Sebab I abc lagi, bangun lambatla kol 7.30am. So spoil da mood I nak g cycling. Plus I rasa ada benda tak setel sebab banyakkk sangat kerja ofis yang perlukan my respond. So, sebab banyak benda berlegar dalam otak I, end up I ruin harini macam tu je being worried sick over things yang I sebenarnya boleh control.

Didn't take breakfast... Lunch I Foodpanda je ayam penyet but I didn't eat semua nasi tu.. Just less than half, then I habiskan ayam. Petang almost 7pm I makan japanese sweet potato 2 ketul. Tak minum air banyak harini coz I'm so not in the mood to do anything.

Malam my kids request pizza. So I beli pizza personal 2 set plus carbonara. I insist them to finish everything.. I ada rasa2 carbonara sikit. I hope tomorrow I'll do better in terms of taking care of myself.

Since uni days, I suka pergi pulau dengan my coursemates tau. I tak tau kenapa I rasa tenang je bila dekat pulau. Kitorang pernah je g Tioman, Redang.. amek pakej student RM300/pax masa tu all in makan bbq semua. Then ada pergi Marine park which banyak ikan2 besar cantik2.. Ah rindulah.

Then dah kahwin I drag my family along to share my interest of going island holiday. So far, the liked it. One day I harap I dapat ikut padi course buat lesen diving insyaallah.

Diamond of the first water 😍

Nite all. Xoxo.