First day of going to school in the year 2021 for my 2 children.
I woke up at 4.30am today. Maybe sebab I nervous lah that's why almost every hour I akan terjaga.. Setahun lebih online classes.. they both excited to go to school. I prep kan my daughter's bekal etc, woke her up at 5.15am, prep her breakfast and 6.00am transporter datang pick her up. Must be a really tiring day for her today. Kesian anak I. Huhu..
My first born, honestly me as a mom, I nampak dia tak pernah langsung menyusahkan I. She did her homework herself, even when we arrange for tuition, teacher datang rumah ajar Bahasa Cina summore at night.. She's giving her all. Tak pernah teacher complaint. Her brother pulak, jenis manja. Anak bongsu at the moment, he's 6 years old now. Always asking his sister to accompany him during his online class. The sister teman je.. never complant. I once heard her conversation with his dad. My husband asking her what she wants, he'll get it for her. Ask him anything that she wants.. Sebab she never minta anything from us. Then I heard she says that she don't know what she wants coz she has everything already 😭 Then she says, if my husband insist on buying her something, just buy her a mandarin dictionary. She's 8 years old now.. Then she says if he happen to see Godiva Pearl chocolate at the airport, just buy her that. She says that after my husband insist that she must have a thing that she really wants. I macam nak nangis bila tengok how responsible she is.
I doakan both my child dipermudahkan urusan, dilapangkan dada menerima ilmu, dilindungi dari bahaya dan kejahatan, diluaskan rezeki, jadi anak yang tak meninggalkan sembahyang.. anak yang soleh dan solehah. Amin YRA.
Today I wfh lah since my office close one day due to sanitizing process at our floor. Swab result negative, alhamdullillah. Almost all finance department got negative result so yey.
I breakfast my usual F1 shake, almost finish dah the dutch chocolate. Tak sabar nak start consume yang cookies and cream pulak after this.
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Roti boyan using japanese sweet potato |
Honestly, sedap. And kenyang sangat. I macam ni lah.. Bila husband ada, I susah sikit nak diet sebab I know he enjoys food so much.. then we will always eat outside ke.. or when at home I mestila kena masak his favourite food kan. Kalau I, memang I boleh je makan makanan heathy macam ni sebab honestly I tak pernah teringin pun kuah masak lemak etc. Husband I, on the other hand, automatic bila dia ada kat sini, I nak stuff dia dengan all his favourite. Unless he request nak eat healthy, ok je la I buatkan.
2021, I want to fly high. Like really high.
I nak belajar berenang, nak belajar naik kuda before year end. In terms of my career, I need to finish my study lah. I tak risau sangat sebab I rasa I dah on track sekarang since I pun memang tengah belajar. It's not that I don't know how to swim, tapi I imagine diri I nak berenang macam atlet tu haha.. If not pun at least berenang macam Sazzy Falak. Really fit at her age, macam she never aged at all. Naik kuda pulak, I terfikir nak buat something yang out of my routine. Then, I nak lose weight. I think I'm on track at the moment, insyaallah sebab ada proper coaching at it works for me. Cuma I need to register myself for class la on the swimming and horse ride part 😅 belum start lagi. Basikal tetap basikal ya.. every weekend wajib pergi.
I nak share waktu mustajab berdoa yang works for me selain lepas sembahyang :
- antara azan dan iqamat
- ketika iqamat
- hari Jumaat, malam Jumaat
- waktu sahur, sebelum fajar
- waktu turun hujan
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