Sunday is famday..
I baru dapat forwarded message that Selangor ppl tak boleh g Putrajaya ya.. Tu dah kira rentas negeri. Whateves. I suppose orang Putrajaya pun tak boleh lah rentas pergi Selangor kan. Rasanyaaaa lah. 😏
I takde mood langsung nak g sana, even though kita pay tax jugak tapi tak boleh pun nak guna kemudahan yang dibangunkan guna duit rakyat tuh. Funny much. Nak komen banyak, I'm just a potato. So, I sauna je today.. Then kemas rumah. At 3 pm keluar bawa the kids.. pergi taman di SELANGOR, makan2 etc.
I had lunch today ikut MP.
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Peri peri chicken ala nandos with oriental salad |
Bukan I nak cakap ya.. tapi this time recipe ni almost perfect macam Nandos. I finished everything. Since ada diffuser ni memang rasa best je. Husband I cakap harap I tidur lena takde nak marah2 lagi da hahahha.. Betullah tu.
I went to my favourite florist today.. beli roses and baby breath. Ganti bunga I yang da kering tu. Made my day. Eh dekat Selangor lagi banyak benda best lah. Lol.. No point nak stress over unnecessary thing kan. If one door close, many doors lagi akan open for u. Don't worry.
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New day new love |
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Diffuse Peppermint tonite.. |
New week started tomorrow.. I dah commit nak release lagi 2kgs this week. So yeah.. just keep on following MP rapat2, drink at least 3L water daily.. try to makan on time. Exercise a bit. I think I'm gonna be okay.. Just tryna love myself more. U know.. sebanyak mana cinta pada manusia, semua tu cuma pinjaman. Kalau u sendiri tak sayang diri u, u expect orang lain akan sayang u ke? No.
I wanna get rid of all negative vibes, negative people around me as much possible. Selagi I hidup, I want to live my life, for me, for the kids, for the people around me that I cherish. If I nak daki gunung ke today, I'll do it because this is my life. Hidup ni senang je.. asalkan tak menyimpang dari agama semua akan ok.
My exboss call me, ask me to join his Company. It is actually MNC company lah specialised in Oil and Gas. Better offer, definitely. Tapi since I akan move to Bangi around next year, I takkan la nak join the Company for short term je kan. I guess I'll stick to my current Company jelah. Husband jauh, I sebenarnya memang have to kerja around tempat I stay je. Lucky jugaklah, my current Company pun is a PLC, which banyak je benda I belajar. Rezeki tak kemana ya. I ada juga potray myself as home baker ke macam tu, but I rasa sebab I sayang je accounting ni so yeah.. tak kot. I foresee myself climbing the career ladder, at the same time maybe provide consultation service macam tu.
My husband, on the other hand, career path dia memang dekat offshore. Now da start assessment for OIM, I guess... I takde lah harap dia akan come back by my side for good dalam masa terdekat ni. Que sera sera whatever wil be wil be. Ape pun, I akan selalu doakan husband I berjaya dalam apa pun yang dia lakukan.
I think dats all. Really need my beauty sleep. Rejuvenate. 💓
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