As I mention previously, the month of March should be the month of diet for me. Failed until 3rd March, we shall see today if I failed again, I will update tomorrow.
Normally from breakfast until petang ok je, still makan makanan yang good for the body. Tapi, dinner susah sikit for me sebab bila order food for my kids, automatically I pun jadi lapar dan makan makanan berat2.. Ah nangis! ðŸ˜
Today, I wfh. Tapi I hantar the kids to school.. so I can focus more lah. Selalunya tak hantar pun if I wfh walaupun fees dah bayar full. Sometimes sebulan tak sampai seminggu pun diorang dekat school especially when my husband is in town.
Lunch I just grab my F1, mixed with low fat milk, chia seeds and madu kelulut. I just madly in love with superfoods. I hope they work wonders. Long term boleh nampak lah effect dia.
Day before and yesteday, here's my lunch.. *drumrolls*
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Wholemeal bread with tomatoes, prawn n cheese 💓 |
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Lunch ikut MP... Pizza ape tah but quite nice and kenyang |
Bread to my own recipe lah. Of coz bread beli yg dah siap.. I cari yang low GI. Sedap je makan macam tu and kenyang coz I have fruits and salad summore.
Bottom one is pizza recipe from my coach.. Not really pizza please. Ni pizza sihat je tau..
Breakfast alhamdulillah masih elak lagi la makan nasi lemak ke, laksam (my fav!) kuih muih semua sebab I cuma consume F1+chia seeds+soymilk/ milk + black seed + madu kelulut jer. So far I rasa sihat with my choice.
This month I target nak lose 5kgs of berat. Insyaallah I have to really be discipline in terms of food intake, at the same time I have to exercise jugak kan. Sekarang ni weekend normally I akan pergi cycling alone while the kids still asleep. Fret not, adik I ada je kat rumah. Takde lah tinggal the kids without supervision.
Like I said just now, dinner I memang ke jurang mariana huhuhu.. I had mcd maigod! and yesterday I had nasi arab!!! Nangis!
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So sedap yet so sinful.. This portion share 3 orang with my 2 kids |
Balik rumah tengok jiran I bagi pulut retis lak letak kat motor 😠|
Susah I nak elak makan bila dengan orang lain. Bila masak for the kids, I pun cam terliur2 end up I makan paling banyak. Uwaaa!!!
I'm happy with my number today. Kalau dapat turun 6kgs better sangat dah. It's hard, but with proper guidance and perseverance nothing can defeat u. I think it is possible la sebab last month I berjaya je turun 2.6kg even though I memang diet macam tak diet je and a lotttt of cheating hahahahahha.. makan mcd, pizza siap!
Still early of the month, really do hope that I menang this time. Like seriously. Let's just treat this as my journal ok.
Kereta I kena calar.. this morning baru perasan so I end up beli cctv kt shopee.. huhu.. pastuh beli lagi touch up paint, helmet basikal dengan sofa cover uhuk!
Ade la hikmah even I pissed off sangat pagi tadi. Now I dah cool down a bit. I memang harap orang yang buat tu hidup die takkan tenang and banyak masalah sebab dah menyusahkan orang lain. Kamonla, kereta bukan murah tau. Senang2 je nak calarkan sedap mak nenek kau. Sekarang kau tengah aniaya orang. Tunggu jela balasan kau nanti. Memang tak lah nak doakan yang baik2 hahaha..
Gile bhai negative vibe dari pagi. I tension gile da la ade webinar hari ni.. tak fokus sangat sebab geram punya pasal. I really hate to start my day dengan negative vibe. Tapi nak buat macam mana benda dah jadi.
What's my number? Number I end with 6 today. 😙 So yeah, lets target 6kg this month to round up that figure, no?
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